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  1. Hey Everyone, Like a lot of people I have seen on Credit Boards, i am making my own thread to document my own journey, and hopefully receive some excellent advice from all these fine people on the board. I have made multiple threads, mostly in the Canadian section, in regards to questions that pop up, but i will try to ask them here, and hopefully someone will be kind enough to reply. (there is absolutely no action in the Canadian section!) So I began my journey to repair my HORRENDOUS credit at the beginning of july by ordering hard copies of my report. (Canada only has TU and EQ). My starting score was 483. (I KNOW ). On Equifax I have the Following: 2 Charge off CC's combined worth less than $2k, (OC only reporting, but 3rd party CA trying to collect.) 1 Collection $3,723.00 (Negotiated PFD, paid but Equifax being very sticky about removing it after 3 contacts from myself and CA) Numerous 60,90 day lates on Student Loan On Transunion I have the Following: 2 Charge Off CC's (Same as Equifax reporting) 1 Collection $231 (Not mine, have disputed Aug 7,2014) Numerous 60,90 Day lates on Student Loan For the last 2 months I have been removing all old addresses associated with the CO's (One is still in investigation by TU). I Have also been trying to get my Alias removed on both files since i legally changed the spelling of my first name. I was hoping this would help my quest in disputing the CO's when i get to them soon. I have paid one collection and am fighting to actually get it removed, after multiple attempts by the CA and myself, EQ keeps claiming they have not recieved anything. I have signed up for credit monitoring and have also been approved for a secured card which i will put a $500 deposit with People's Trust. I have been added as an AU to my SO's CAP1 credit card, but in Canada its much harder for them to report (but im crossing my fingers they will. Cap1 says they give the info to the bureaus and it's up to them to report it or not?) I am in the process of Rehabing my student loan. Right now i have to be patient and wait for investigations to close and things to be removed, but it is SO HARD. Could I be doing something else in the mean time?
  2. Hey you guys! I thought i'd pass this information along that i got for Canadians who haven't heard. It's calledhttp://greatcanadianrebates.ca and if you buy a wide variety of things on popular sites anyway, for example: Ebay,amazon,trips,sears, etc then they give you cash back rebates for using their link that they get a commision on. Why i decided to share with my fellow Canadians who haven't heard of it here, is because they have really awesome cash back deals if you sign up for certain credit cards! MY boyfriend is looking at applying for the Cap1 aspire travel world MC and right now they have a $75 cash back on it. It's free to sign up too, and they actually give you 2$ in your account. You can either get paid monthly by amazon gift card,pay pal or wait for a big cheque. If you like it and sign up it asks for an email if you got referred. PM me if you want and i can give you mine.
  3. Hey fellow Canucks, We need some more activity in this forum! I have to admit i am pretty green with envy at the credit card offers Americans get. They have such great bonus offers and so much selection,benefits, you name it! One thing that interests me is the free FICO scores more and more cards seem to be giving. Canada doesn't have anyone that does that do we?! Also, Americans have so many options for 3rd party sites that pull, most times for free! I wish those sites could be Canadian equipped, or someone made one for us. If anyone on here knows anything, could you maybe list some great cards for us?
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