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  1. July 16, received a letter from EOS CCA saying "Our client has authorized the following resolution to your balance as noted above: Lump Sum settlement of 1 payment of 274.76$ to be paid no later than 08/15/14". The original amount was 332.64 with collection fees of 59.88 for a total of 392.52. We do not remember having any balance with AT&T so: July 25, I mail CMRR a validation letter. July 29, they receive it. August 6, Receive a credit report from Experian in which the account with them does not state in dispute. (that was coincidental from removing old addresses from all Credit Bureaus - successfully) They have not responded at all as of today August 28 -Should I wait and send this on September 2nd? -Isn't it a violation of FDCPA that they have not reported the account in dispute with the bureaus? -Should I add that to the second validation letter? Validation letter #1 Validation letter #2
  2. In November 2008 I was on active duty and received orders to deploy overseas. I called AT&T and notified them that I would need to cancel my account. I scheduled to have my services shut off on December 2, 2008 and paid the balance of my bill. AT&T did not shut off my services until December 26, 2008. They charged me for those dates and then added late fees on top of that. I was deployed overseas and was not notified of this until I came home on leave. I talked to AT&T and told them the error. They said that they would fix it. They have yet to fix the issue and every time I call they tell me a new story as to where the debt occurred. AT&T must have sold this account to ERC and ERC has been dinging my credit every couple of months for collections. I don't owe this debt and I refuse to pay this debt just to get them to restore my credit. What can I do to put an end to this 5 1/2 year harassment?
  3. Hi all, My first post after doing about a week's worth of research. I recently pulled my CR for the first time in 7-8 years. I've had my head in the sand, a hear no evil/se no evil kind of approach. But, that doesn't make it go away, being responsible and being addicted to this board does. I have multiple accounts that are in collections, settled, old, etc. It's a mess. I've just had almost all of the old addresses/numbers removed from my 3 CRs though, a good first step. I'm taking one account at a time, atleast till I get my learning curve rounded out. I'd be very appreciative if anyone could help me with the best plan of action with this first account? It's a Verizon. Facts: -Opened 02/12. -Settled it 05/13 for like 75%, so I could reopen service. -reporting to all 3. -Was never reported late 30,60,120. Basically I'd just like to get the paid acct off my CR. Ive read about sending a DV letter. Any thoughts? And srry for such a newbie question but I'm learning.
  4. So i received my EQUIFAX report finally for the first time and after taking some time to go through i am able to confirm a couple that report to EQUIFAX or sure... AT&T landline services SPRINT Wireless services.. Sprint is kinda iffy however seeing as I have had them since December 2011 and they only reported up through February 2012.. i still have their service and i confirmed by account number it was them, however.. dont know what is up with that.. dont want to dispute it and mess around and lose the whole trade therefore.. ill just let it be... we switched to AT&T Wireless couple days ago so here is to hoping they report to EQ.. ill add a trade with that.. AT&T (landline) FAITHFULLY reports on the 27th of the month EVERY MONTH for me on Equifax.. and on D&B.. just have to get my first copy of Experian file and i will attempt to conclude who is reporting there..
  5. Hello all, Im new to the forums and am having problems. Im in the military and was up for a special assignment however, background check came back with a deliquent account from AT&T which is sold to EOS CCA. This account is now 6 years old. When I contacted AT&T about it they said they don't have the contract I originally signed. EOS CCA was very rude and raised their voice at me when I asked for validation of the account. They told me they would never settle with me again if I needed validation because it could take months. However, this is set to fall off February 2014. One of the operations manager I spoke with told me he would settle this crazy $4000 bill for $700 but would not give me anything in writing for it. I didn't agree to that as that's not a legal binding agreement. I have filed with the BBB and the ACA that they are associated with due to the way they treated me as well as no validation and this is killing me my career. What steps do I need to do from here? Any advice would be great. Thanks
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