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  1. I sent my letter to remove my old addresses to all three Credit Bureaus. I got a response from Experian today (Originally sent 12/27/14), and I thought. Great! I can do my disputes now. Not so fast. via letter today: We store information as it sent to us by your credit grantors or from information contained in public records. One or more sources of information reported the address you questioned and it is a part of your credit history. If you believe an address in your credit report is inaccurate, you may want to contact the source of the information directly. Please contact us by phone if you need additional assistance to determine the specific sources of particular address information on your credit report. You will not receive this explanation again if you dispute this same item within the next 30 days. Sincerely, Experian This was the body of my letter to experian: Experian National Consumer Assistance Center P.O. Box 4500 Allen, TX 75013 Dear Sir or Madam, Enclosed is verification of my identity and the address information page from a recent credit report. As of this month I have a fraud alert with all three major Credit Bureaus. It has not stopped some of the fraudulent activity on some of my bureau accounts. I am requesting that all previous addresses be removed from my Credit Report. My only address listing would be the current address (with verification enclosed) All previous addresses are highlighted in orange and numbered on my report address information page. I hope you have or had a great New Year! Thank you for your time, What should I do next? I got back a clean MIB report in the mail. I have the paper from transunion with all of my medical accounts showing removed, and I have an itemized statement from CA that I had to get in person from them. It has my first and last name spelled wrong. The address listed is the same as one of my previous addresses and the DOB matches from my report. Should I send in evidence for a dispute. Or fight for address removal?
  2. If I could turn back the Credit-Repair Clock, I would avoid these mistakes: 1. Believing I knew a lot about credit repair, based on prior experiences, and moving forward without a deliberate plan; giving NO consideration to the very real possibility of making huge errors based on my insufficient knowledge. a. I had paid a CRO in the 90s to clean up my reports, which only contained very sophomoric blemishes in my early 20s. Their method seemed to be a cinch, so I believed I was a well-armed consumer; plus… b. I blundered through some DIY stuff in early years after I filed BK7 in 1999, having moderate success (read: luck.) c. Furthermore, I was truly the victim of family-instigated ID theft, and 2 of those issues were remedied with varying degrees of ease. Hence, I erroneously assumed that ANY repair would be fairly simple. (BEWARE: A LITTLE BIT OF KNOWLEDGE CAN BE A DANGEROUS THING) 2. Disputing all collections and COs as “not mine” via online method, ESPECIALLY without extensively researching the individual characteristics of each lender and TL. a. This prevented some targeted, weighty, VALID disputes from being processed by EX, as they routinely shoot down disputes as “previously investigated.” b. I woke up at least one very sticky OC in 2011 – about 4 years after it was charged off – who has continued to verify to the bitter end. If I’d researched initially, I’d have known this OC does NOT PFD or extend GW. I could have waited until it expires later this year, and they probably would not have updated this TL since 2010, when it was first reported. (CO was in 2007, so it’s obsolete in 6 months!) 3. Disputing all late payments (LP) as “never late” via online method. a. While this specific “Unintended Consequence” didn’t befall me, I know many folks who suffered a loss of lengthy otherwise-positive TLs that would have dropped the LPs in another year or two, and who may have had success with GW letters to the OC, instead. The same could have happened to me with two long student loan TLs that were sold to a new lender in 2011. I am now at the point where my AAOA is very valuable to me, and mistakes like this could have been costly! b. I flagged myself in one lender’s eyes (yup…Sallie Mae) as not being very credible, which turned my subsequent fight into an uphill battle. 4. Paying a small utility company CO from 2007 (see #2b) without doing any homework. I had the best intentions…and the most UNREALISTIC expectations. Here’s where I went wrong: a. I thought it would go down without a fight, like one of the ID-theft TLs (see #1c) did. You see, two weeks earlier, I paid a CO for $174 to Time Warner Cable, which had been opened without my knowledge by my niece (or more likely, by my sister for her daughter) in 2011. TWC told me I had 2 choices – fill out a fraud packet…or pay and “try” to get my money from my family member(s). The rep was very sympathetic and completely understood my hesitance to file a report on family. She assured me it was not an uncommon circumstance, and she confidently told me they would have the CA delete upon full payment. (Of course, I could just as easily be telling you how this one went south, too, since I didn’t get anything in writing. But as “dumb luck” would have it, this was easy to remedy – deleted within 3 weeks.) Which further led me to believe that the knowledge I already had was sufficient! Soooo… b. I paid TXU Energy for a tiny CO (this one was mine, not ID theft) from 2007, and TXU has refused to budge. I’ve tried it all – GW to execs, 623 method, Jack Attack, “not mine” online, PUC compliant…the ONLY relief I’ve gotten was from TU when they deleted 6 months early (TODAY) as obsolete! c. I should have used the money I paid TXU (plus all that postage) to pay one of the small medical collections I later paid through Why Chat’s HIPAA Program. d. TXU would probably NOT have updated my reports after 2010 (when they reported it) for a $53 CO. Instead, I have a fresh FICO ding for the change to $0 a year ago. 5. Launching attacks on medical collections, which were 80 percent of my derogs, without Why Chat’s help. a. I trusted my “limited” knowledge and believed they should be treated like any other TL from a CA. b. I had initial success with disputing these as “not mine” ONLINE, and 2 of the larger amounts (from 2011, still within SOL) were deleted from EX & EQ in January of 2013. c. Those 2 were later re-inserted by EQ. (They have always remained on TU; were never reinserted by EX.) d. When they reappeared, my limited knowledge was absent of the power of a valid re-insertion dispute, even though I actually have the original letter of deletion from EQ. (The CRA never notified me, and reinsertion was 10 months ago.) e. Guess which ones are my ONLY 2 REMAINING medical collections on EQ…? Yup. These. If I had READ READ READ READ READ before going off willy-nilly and doing things blindly, I could have at least capitalized on the initial stroke of luck I had, since they were properly deleted and then reinserted without notification! f. Consequently, I am still waiting for the HIPAA Process to be completed, which I should have done in the first place. g. If I had started there back in 2013-Q1, my EQ report would be MUCH better, with the only derog being paid and almost 7 years old from TXU (just like Experian is now.) And TU would be ABSOLUTELY CLEAN, since they just deleted TXU (see #4b) as obsolete. 6. Applying for a Cap1 card on December 17, 2013, out of sheer impatience and fear of rejection. a. On that day, my EX report was clean of all medical collections, and the only blemish that remains is the paid CO in #4 above. I froze EQ & TU, and I started out with a decent plan. b. I submitted about 6 apps – 3 were blocked b/c they tried to pull EQ or TU, which weren’t anywhere near clean enough; NFCU & Logix were not instant membership approval. So I got impatient and fearful, and I pulled the trigger on Cap1. c. The instant approval was a rush I hadn’t felt in a decade, and the $500 CL was only a mild disappointment. I reminded myself that I was starting out fresh again, and that I also burned them for about $5K in 2005. d. Within 7 days, I was a member of NFCU with a $14K cashRewards Visa; Logix approved me for a $2,500 Platinum Rewards MC and refinanced my car for 2.99 percent (down from 10 percent.) And I was stuck with a Cap1 Credit Steps MC with an annual fee and a $500 CL that will probably anchor my limits in the wrong direction for a long time. e. Hindsight is 20/20, and I believe Cap1 is a fantastic builder for MANY people – in fact, they were my first builder after my BK 15 years ago. I simply didn’t do enough research this time – more importantly, I didn’t “trust the process” – as I tested the waters to see where my first approval would land. I got antsy and impatient, and I wanted “something” TODAY. I remind myself of this daily, as I practice patience and strategy in planning my next spree. If you’ve read this far, then you may see yourself in one or more of these scenarios. If so…don’t despair. I’ve made a LOT of EXCELLENT moves along the way, too. Some were crazy twists of luck…others were carefully crafted Works of Art. And I continue to learn from each blunder I’ve made and every thread I read. BTW…I have a long way to go, due to the aforementioned three TLs still hurting my score and the infancy of the only 4 open revolvers in my file. But I have an AAOA ranging from 4.5 to 7.5 years, depending on the CRA. And the best indicator of progress is my EX FICO – close to 100 points gained in 5 exactly months. 10/31/2013 – BofA denial = 574 03/31/2014 – myFICO = 671 ETA: *Repair -- I hate when I make a typo in the thread title!
  3. So I've been working the whychat repo process and here's whats happening so far. I opted out and deleted old addresses. I sent the initial CRA dispute which came back verified. I sent the whychat repo letter. Santander did not respond at all. After 14 days plus a couple to take into account mail speed I fired off whychat's followup dispute to all 3 CRA's. Eq and TU are investigating. Experian sent me the following letter. "If you question the results of our dispute process, then you may want to contact the furnisher of information directly or review the original information in the public record." Now about a week before I sent the whychat followup dispute letter I had sent out a CRA dispute(Jack attack method) as part of a 1-2 punch on a CA I need off my reports. Maybe thats their response to the CA dispute however I'm operating under the assumption that they're responding to both. What should I do from here?
  4. Hi All. This forum has been extremely helpful over the last six months and has helped me clean up my credit. I do need some advice on handling my Wells repo.. I have read Why Chat's repo program and I want to make sure that's the route I should take in my situation. I'll try to keep it short. Bought and Repo in Washington State, now live in Illinois Deficiency bal reported on reports: 6700 Original loan around 10500 before junk fees and ext warranty Had it for 16 months before repo, $279 mo/payments Still reporting CO monthly on all 3 reports by Wells Never reported on my report by a CA I have no public records and can't find any judgements in court records Repo Oct 2009 (Carfax states lien placed 10/13/09) It was sold at auction 4 years ago yesterday 11/2/09 per Carfax Don't recall ever getting any paperwork after repo I have opted out about a week ago and have removed all addresses except for Exp of course (but still trying) I have never contacted Wells and never disputed it with them or CRA The car was a total lemon when I bought it, but it's too late now. Took $7k in work to get it running (new engine and tranny). Learned the hard way why they wouldn't let me buy it without the ext. dealer warranty. Should I follow Why Chat's method in my case? If not, or if I do and it doesn't work, should I offer a PFD? Maybe starting at $1000? I'll be in college for another 3 years so maybe playing that angle will help get a PFD playing the poor college student... June '13 fako score 530's - Now 654 for all 3. I imagine this repo is keeping me in this range. No longer have any collections. Did have 7. I have about 4 zero balance CO that are about 4 years old but I'll work on those after the repo. Thanks for the help and I will gladly post updates!!
  5. Hi Everyone, I'm new to Credit Boards, so please be kind. To give you a little background, back in 2007, I was laid of as part of a corporate buyout, which left me without income for 6 months. I eventually found a new position, which required relocating to another state. Thankfully, I've been happily employed with my new company for the past 6 years. However, as a result of my unemployment, I had two auto loans that were reposessed in Sept & Oct, 2007. Loan #1 is reporting a deficiency balance of $11,382. Loan #2 is reporting a deficiency balance of $16,798. Both are reporting active lates each month, which is why they are hurting my credit report so much. They are both past the SOL (which is 6 years, both in the state of Repo and my current state). I verified the DOFDs with the OCs, and they are set to fall off my credit report in April & May, 2014. However, my wife and I would love to get these off my report sooner, so we can think about purchasing a home while interest rates are low. These two trade lines are keeping us from qualifying. Here's how they look on my CRAs: 1. Nissan-Infinity LT (address, phone) (account #) (address id#) Date Opened: 4/2006 First Reported: 4/2006 Date of Status: 11/2010 Type: Auto Lease Term: 39 months Monthly Payment: Not Reported Credit Limit or Original Amount: $27,272 High Balance: Not Reported Recent Balance: $11,382 as of 5/2013 Status: Account charged off, $11,382 written off. This account is scheduled to continue on record until April, 2014. Creditors Statement: Involuntary Reposession/Balance Owing 2. US Bank (address, phone) (account #) (address id#) Date Opened: 6/2006 First Reported: 6/2006 Date of Status: 7/2008 Type: Auto Lease Term: 48 months Monthly Payment: Not Reported Credit Limit or Original Amount: $39,797 High Balance: Not Reported Recent Balance: $16,798 as of Jan, 2013 Status: Account charged off, $9,312 written off. $2,345 past due as of Jan, 2013. This account is scheduled to continue on record until May, 2014. I'd love to dispute these using Why Chat's guidelines. I've opted out, deleted as many old addresses as I could, & pulled carfax reports. Now I'm not sure which process is the best under my circumstances. Should I dispute these using Why Chat's Repo Letter or Why Chat's SOL Letter? In your opinion, which would have the fastest results? I'd like to get these off as quickly as possible. Thanks in advance for all your help.
  6. I am opted out. I have deleted all addresses. I sent dispute letters to each CRA. The accounts were verified and remain on report. However, I’ve yet to hear anything from the collection agency. I sent medical dispute validation letter to collection agency. Then I sent the follow up letter to the CRAs. Waited 30 days…nothing. So I did steps 5 & 6 again. Still nothing…. What do I do now? Other info… There are two accounts at the same collection agency for two different providers. Unsure what one account is…Credit report lists Date of first delinquency as 06/2007. The other one I KNOW I owe. Checked my dental EOB and it all looks correct. DOS 2/2009. I’m in Oklahoma. Thanks in advanced for your help. These are the last two medicals on my reports. I've paid everything else and can now file them on my taxes because of this site! Thanks again!!!
  7. So, I opted out; deleted as many prior addresses as they would let me. 3 separate accounts came back verified by EX and EQ all from the same CA. Do I send three separate DV's for each verifying CRA or do I lump them all into one letter with all 3 accounts listed for each CRA? Thanks for the assistance.
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