My son's credit score is healthy (mid 700's) but his file is thin. We were able to come up with two tradelines, his bank credit card and the transfer record where he has been paying rent directly from his checking to mine. We hadn't put his name on any of the bills, he has no re-occurring billing (not even a subscription to WoW. ) The only other bill we could think of was the *insert disparaging word* "grow-up insurance" my mom had taken out on him. He has taken it over, but it is such a small amount (in more ways that one) that he pays it annually rather than monthly or quarterly. The broker we were going through was working with Chase only. They were unable to underwrite my son's portion of a mortgage loan with only 2 tradelines. Is this pretty much industry standard or is there a lender to consider who would take my thick file (and low 700's credit) with his thin one?