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  1. Hey fellow CBers: I hope everyone is enjoying themselves during this time of year. I have a question. On December 15th I FINALLY embarked on my app spree after putting it off for longer than I had wished. Well it paid off (more to come on that in another post! ) My question is, I checked my mail on Tuesday and had an Invitation to apply for the Freedom Card. Here is my dilemma/question: 1) During my spree I app'd for and was approved on the CSP $22K and Ink Plus $10K (though I feel that I could have received more had I answered other usage questions with higher numbers). So will this Freedom Invitation be null and void with those recent approvals? 2) If I can apply, do I apply NOW? Or wait til I B* TU and freeze EX? (I am worried if I do this the new accounts will be reporting by then (total 6) and as of right now only Barclay's is reporting with 6 INQ on TU, but I can't freeze EX via online, says I must mail in, so I will call Monday. Any and all recommendations are appreciated! Thanks to all again, I will be updating CPDB and posting my approvals in the next few days. I know they are baby steps, but I am very happy with results and have CB and all of the awesome members here to thank!!!
  2. OK, have a late from December 2008 on a car loan. Account was paid in full and closed in February 2009. Was 54 month loan. Late only shows on TU and was only late on account. Have tried numerous goodwill attempts with no success. TU says it will fall off November 2015. When that date comes, will it become a positive account and remain on the report for 3 more years until it hits the 10-year limit, or will the entire trade-line drop off? As the late is 6 years old, my thinking was that trying to get the late removed with a dispute might cost me the trade-line if it just gets deleted instead of updated, which would hurt my AAOA more than a 6 year old late is hurting my score as the account dates back to 2004. Am I correct in that thinking?
  3. decided to check into LC for a check on my TU score before a considered app... scores on fako have been moving up, only Fico I have is from DCU which went way up LC, without me entering an amount, instantly declined me- they recognized my email They gave an EX score as the basis(it is not yet frozen, had to wait until monday when fraud alert comes off) Didn't know that they EVER pulled EX, always pulled TU to my knowlege (one prior application) Of course the basis of the turndown was my very worst score but I was shocked at the turndown before the application. I am assuming it was not a hard pull as I entered no info. If it is, I will raise holy hell, they also noted too may apps, which is odd because last app was May and I have only that and Verizon phone. Be Aware of this and don't depend on LC using TU. Something is in the wind...
  4. INQUIRY DETAILS: BBOK/CENTRAL BK & TR? «Banker's Bank of Kansas» in Wichita, KS member of BBoK is Central Bank and Trust, in Wichita KS Only familiar names in KS are Dorothy, Glenda, and Credit Karma, which I have not pulled in 8 mos.. WHO could this be? Inquiring minds wish to know= HELP.
  5. Sept23-10InquiryTransUnion A new inquiry was added to your credit reportBased on TransUnion data FICO® SCORE CHANGE -10 points 687 677 View score history INQUIRY DETAILS 687 to 677 BARCLAYS BANK DELAWARE Although I am glad that they B* pretty easily, I am a bit aghast to see the above notice from MyFico This is the only inquiry (hard) that I have on TU...Wow, that stinks
  6. So I was in TU online dispute looking at my report back on the 9th. Noticed they still had some crap addresses and phone numbers listed for me. They completed their investigation the next day, now when I log in it just directs me to my "results" from that previous dispute? Anyone know if there is a set time frame until you are able to get back into the dispute function again?
  7. It does not seem as if I have ever been chopped, although I am just getting near... are only some users of B* chopped or is it totally random...?
  8. Hey guys, well this one is probably going to get a couple and and yes, I deserve them. BUT, paying parking tickets was the last thing on my mind as I was making my way through midterm and final after final. Now they're killing my credit and I obviously regret it. I just thought, they'll go away and I'll never see them again. They didn't. 5 years later, I have 12 parking tickets on my TU report (not listed on the others, just TU) and each line looks like this: INNOVATIVE COLLECTIONS #000000000 Placed for collection: 12/28/2009 Responsibility: Individual account Loan Type: Collection Agency/Attorney Balance: $95 Balance updated: 10/25/2011 Past due: $95 This is KILLING my TU score. I've offered to pay them (PFD) but they actually said no. Now, I just want them off and I'll do anything you guys think might work. Has anyone had a similar experience? What method do you think would work on parking tickets? THANKS!!
  9. INSTANT ONLINE APPROVALS! Walmart Store Card - $400 Barclay's Rewards MC - $1,000 Should I shoot for one more TU puller, or let it ride, based on the info below? I've been halfheartedly working on my BF's reports as I diligently work on mine, and I started the Why Chat HIPAA process on his in the past month or so, because almost every derog he has is a medical collection. The initial dispute made enough impact on his TU (go figure) that I felt it was enough to get some builder cards that pull TU. He's never had a CC in his life, and he's got several positive SLs and a couple of other paid installment loans -- all positive. He's been an AU on three of my cards for about 90 days -- Wally, NFCU & Cap1. The two remaining medical collections are noted as "consumer disputes this info" -- I know that isn't likely to fool FICO, though. I have no idea what his TU FICO is, but my best guess is around 610-625. I hope we get a FICO when his approval letters and cards arrive, since the limits were paltry. Soooo...what say you? PS -- Gardening just became FUN!
  10. Ok, my scores are starting to rise and my TU is up to 635, rising from the depths of HELL.. what can you get with a score like this that only pulls TU. They are furthest along with correcting errors on my report and several will be falling off shortly from TU as I settle some old OC's... I have gotten a DCU account (no credit, just a savings acct and a checking) and I will shortly get a credit builder from a CU and a secured credit card from my university by Sept. unlimited amount, will do $5,000... Much of my credit will be off my TU where there is still some old stuff that is major bad... it will fall off due to settlement and errors corrected... plus there is a duplicate mortgage that was paid out by the second listing. I know that Barclays pulls TU but at what score will they consider a small line? is there a bank that they look to for any reason? I don't want a toy card under $500... Home Depot perhaps? I could use that one. Dont' want to get a card where I have to go buy socks...I don't want a bunch of HP's for useless stuff. I was astounded that DCU did a hard pull just for a $500 savings account... no credit or overdraft line requested... thank you all...No walmart nearby that I use. Lowes? Kohls? Home Depot? Agway? do they even have a card? thanks again.
  11. Hoping to get a secured credit card using a TU pull... credit is in the upper 500's but TU is clean except for my foreclosure...Are these hard pulls and will a credit union be pretty easy going with a secured card? would prefer one that translates into an unsecured card... if wishes were horses..thanks to all. tried naval credit union but my father served but did not get a pension so it didn't work...
  12. I've almost bumped all of Equifax, but have 12 inq stuck on TU... they haven't budged in 4 days. Any reasons why? They were going down every day and then stopped! I'm still pulling my daily pullers, nothing has really changed on my end. Good news is all 12 are from one day of auto loan shopping, all other inquries are gone so FICO should only score them as one. But I still want them gone!
  13. So I currently have Barclays and receive my updated FICO every so often. Today I went to enroll in e statements for my Walmart card and sign up for their free FICO as well and received a message that they are unable to provide my FICO due to my security freeze. No big deal I'll stick with Barclays as I am not removing the freeze. But does anyone know why Barclays would be able to provide the FICO through the freeze and not Walmart? As I understand they both pull TU. Thanks
  14. hello everyone , I'm new here , after reading on this forum as a guest I want to join and to introduce my self and my report my question is how long do you think I will start get b* on my EQ base on this report form today? I pull daily with MPM , SCP , TUP , ECP. and I have also pulls form CK. I don't how to find my TU soft , after reading here still can't find. :-/ Inquiries that may impact your credit rating: AMERICAN EXPRESS TRS CO, INC 03/08/14, 09/24/13, 09/16/13, 08/21/13 CAPITAL ONE BANK USA NA 09/16/13 Comenity Bank/ANNTYLR 09/11/13 DISCOVER FINANCIAL SERVICE 03/12/14 DSRM NATIONAL BANK 08/27/13 FINGERHUT/WEBBANK 03/13/14 STERLING 03/21/14 TD/BANKUSA/TARGET CREDIT 07/25/13 WELLS FARGO BANK 05/23/13, 05/21/13 Inquiries that do not impact your credit rating: AR-CAPITAL ONE 03/17/14 CONSUMERINFO 05/24/13 CONSUMERINFO.COM 03/07/14 PRM ONL-Comenity Bank/BRYLNHME 03/22/14 PRM ONL-Comenity Bank/BUCKLE 03/22/14 PRM ONL-COMENITYBANK/COLDWATER CREEK 03/22/14 PRM ONL-Comenity Bank/EXPRESS 03/21/14 PRM ONL-COMENITY BANK/JCREWINC 03/21/14 PRM ONL-COMENITY BANK/JSSCLNDN 03/22/14 PRM ONL-Comenity Bank/KINGSIZE 03/22/14 PRM ONL-COMENITY BANK/LOFT 03/22/14 PRM ONL-Comenity Bank/ONESTPLS 03/21/14 PRM ONL-COMENITY BANK/ROAMANS 03/22/14 PRM ONL-Comenity Bank/WOMNWTHN 03/22/14 PRM ONL-COMENITY CAPITAL/BLAIR 03/22/14 PRM ONL-COMENITYCAPITAL/GOLDVIOLIN 03/28/14 PRM ONL-COMENITYCAPITAL/SOLUTIONS 03/28/14 AR-CONSUMERINFO.COM 08/20/13 EQUIFAX 02/12/14, 01/20/14, 09/22/13 Equifax Consumer Services 04/05/14 ND-Equifax Consumer Services 04/09/14 ND-Equifax Consumer Services 04/08/14 ND-Equifax Consumer Services 04/05/14 ND-Equifax Consumer Services 04/05/14 ND-Equifax Consumer Services 04/05/14 EXPERIAN RPTS 05/23/13 FINGERHUT 03/13/14 QUIZZLE, LLC 04/04/14 QUIZZLE, LLC. 04/04/14 TRUECREDIT/COVERDELL MY 03/28/14 TRUECREDIT/VERTRUE 04/08/14, 04/07/14, 04/06/14, 04/05/14, 04/04/14, 04/02/14, 04/01/14, 03/30/14, 03/29/14, 03/27/14 AR-WELLS FARGO BANK NA 05/21/13 THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP
  15. I submitted a "jack attack" letter via snail mail to TU. I did log in online and asked them to send me my results via email. There were 5 items that needed to be fixed. 3 collections that I asked to be remvoved as they are obsolete (should fall off by July) and 2 late payments that I am fighting. TU replied yesterday with "investigation complete" email. 2 collections deleted and 2 late payments updated (not in my favor). BUT they totally ignored the third collection that was due to fall off in July. Not updated, not deleted, nothing. Since it's 31 days today and the investigation is complete- what do I do? I'm assuming they will have to delete it now, but what letter do I write? (Can I just call?) Yes, I have my proof as to when I sent it.
  16. I am starting my TU B* journey. I've read many, many threads and feel like I'm ready to get started. There is only 1 inquiry on here, but I figure I'd start with TU get the skills down and then move on to EQ, which has a whopping 7 inquiries. Here is what I have. Last hard was on 2/14/14 Pulling softs since 2/20 using * MPM (daily) * SCP (daily) Random Softs * Credit Karma (2/12, 2/28, 3/7, 3/14) * Walmart Fico (3/5) I *believe* I’ll hit 65 on 3/31/14 (Based on a spreadsheet and some hope) Does that sound right? Any other daily pullers I could use. Wasn’t sure if it made sense to add TrueCredit.com (or myscore.com) for that matter. Although since you can see softs on TC...I'm not sure that is a good idea. I have read conflicting posts about C* on TU. If there really is no C* on TU, I'll cadd TC. If there is ...another puller seems prudent. Planning to start B* on EQ once the March C* is confirmed. It is believed to be the 16-21. Although BobWangs chart SEEMS to indicate it happens on Saturday for NYC, so that would either be the 22nd, I think. Any insight greatly appreciated!!
  17. Okay team, I pulled my 3 scores from my fico and 2 are just over 500 ex and eq, tu showing same accounts except they report me with 136% usage with a balance of 2381 in revolving. I only have 1 open cc with 432 on 500 that I have already paid last week but my statement hits 20th. My concern is that tu will still have née at 136% even after the payment is registered. Do they classify accounts differently? I have a few cos that are being settled currently, but nothing else open. I called tu- no help there either... Anyone?
  18. Hello CB, I'm looking to add another Credit Union to the mix, one who is offering a 0% Balance Transfer option for more than 12 months? So far, it seems most credit unions are only willing to go up to 6mo. Except for PenFed which I have no chance of getting approved, due too many new accounts. Would like a Credit Union who prefers to pull TU, but I know that's a long shot! Any suggestions ?? Thanks so much!! Have a wonderful day. Credit Unions I already have accounts with.... 1. PSECU - Combo 2. Navy - cc, and Navchek 3. DCU - no credit prods. 4. PenFed - no credit prods. 5. Alliant CU - no prods. Scores are 700+ All clean
  19. Which version goes to 839 and which goes to 850?
  20. So I decided to ask for a CLI on my BB former Cap1 now Citi 500.00 dollar limit store card and received a little present today in the form of a HP on TU. When I asked for the CLI online, I don't recall if they said there would be a hard pull or not. If they would have said it was a HP I would not have requested the CLI. I got a "we need to review your account" message at first, and then today I got another message letting me know I will know the decision for my CLI by mail in 7-10 days. At least I can B* it but I also wish they would have been more clear.
  21. Has anyone had any luck recently getting CITI to pull Transunion with EXP on the Freeze? I know some have had luck calling or emailing Donna in the Citi Exc. offices. Not sure if this method still works??? Can anyone provide an update?
  22. First I would like to say love you credit boards! I am thinking about freezing Equifax it is my lowest score only 595 my Transunion score is 685 with one paid baddie. I want to apply for a credit card maybe with NFCU I already have a secured card with them but I want to get a unsecured card. NFCU only pulls from EQ so I was thinking about freezing my Equifax account so navy would pull from Transunion. I was also thinking about Barclays NFL or discover in Ideals would be appreciated I live in VA and I have already check the credit pulls database. Should I freeze EQ would there be any adverse reaction that I don't know about. I cant find a lot of information about this on credit boards.
  23. I wanted to check TU backdoor to get an update of my HIPAA process and I get an error message when I try. Is this normal from TU when disputing vial snail mail?
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