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  1. Long time lurker, first time poster. I've recently had a terrible experience with USAA. I apologize for the long post in advance. The short story: A few days ago I logged into my USAA online and rather than seeing my savings and checking accounts, I was presented with "You currently have no accounts with USAA." The next day I called them and after about a half hour phone call (mostly on hold), the best they could come up with was that I'd have to wait 2 weeks for corporate to determine what happened! No reasoning, terrible service. Please read on for the specifics. The Facts: I've been a USAA member since October of 2011. I have (had?) both a savings and a checking account. I also have a USAA debt card for the checking account. I don't often withdraw from either account, however, I usually get a deposit once every other month. The last deposit notification I received on my phone was on 1/24/2013. I logged in 3 days later and was presented with "You currently have no accounts with USAA." Unlike most banks, USAA doesn't have a 24 hour customer service hotline so I emailed customer service. The response was that they had no record of my accounts! The next day I called the 1-800 customer service number. I spent about 30 minutes on the phone (mostly on hold) as the customer service rep attempted to figure out what happened. During this time I verified my contact info, address, phone, email, social and gave them my debt card number. The rep said that they have no records of either of my accounts and wouldn't go into further details. The rep said that they would have to forward the case to the corporate office and that I would receive a letter in two weeks. The rep declined to give me any kind of call reference number and said that there was nothing else that could be done. Unfortunately I was on a lunch break and didn't have to to ask for a supervisor. I should also note that I've never overdrawn either of my accounts, gone below the minimum balances or imposed any kind of penalties or fees. I only had savings and checking accounts, no credit card, loans or insurance. I am still able to log in to the web interface, but there are no remnants of either of my accounts with one exception: I can see my mobile notifications for the last 2 deposits. I've also read somewhere in this forum people talking about USAA doing background checks. I have no criminal history and a good credit score (high 700 range). I've never filed bankruptcy and I'm in good standing with all of my lines of credit. In conclusion: USAA has no idea what is going on or why my 2 accounts are missing (or they don't want to tell me). USAA's customer service is utterly useless. I couldn't get any kind of confirmation that I will ever see my money again. Even if I do get confirmation, it will be at least 2 weeks before I hear about it. This is the ABSOLUTE WORST BANKING EXPERIENCE I'VE EVER HAD! I am hoping that someone can help me with this situation.
  2. 2.15% on Checking, up to $25,000. .75% on Savings, up to $250,000. I'm not sure how far their reach is, or who can join. Was driving home and saw this advertisement at one of the branches. https://www.firstutahbank.com/personal-banking/personal-deposit-accounts/kasasa-saver Checking rate requires 12 debit transactions, 1 ACH auto pay and e-statements. Completing all of the checking requirements gives the rate for savings, as well. Don't know if it's a hard pull to join and I don't know which bureau they use if there is a hard.
  3. Only 9-ish hours left. No DD change required. Just make 5 purchases with your debit card and get $125. Park $500 in savings and get $75. https://home.capitalone360.com/blackfriday?o=1 https://home.capitalone360.com/blackfriday?o=2
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