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Found 10 results

  1. Does anybody know if Synchrony Bank policy on maximum credit limits for PayPal MasterCard has changed? I could have sworn people were calling the underwriters and getting $25k. I tried the telephone luv button and got nowhere so tried submitting a normal CLI request. I don't remember if it asked me for the desired CL, but if it did I would have asked for $25k. Today I get a letter stating my request for CLI is declined because "the amount requested exceeds the amount of increase our bank policy allows." WTF does that mean now?
  2. Guest

    EBay to spin off PayPal

    http://finance.yahoo.com/news/ebay-spin-off-paypal-adopting-110014208.html I personally would say.... HALLELUJAH!!! PayPay has been a P.I.T.A. for me, even in the days past (2010 and 2011 or so) of "other screennames" for me.. and now I think I am blacklisted, owing PayPal somewhere around $2200, with which even paying it would perhaps not let me USE the account correctly. This also used to be the ONLY way to use an EBay account. I have an EBay account with a 100% positive seller rating, which I would really love to use again, btw. How does everyone feel about this?
  3. Hey gang. Any thoughts on this? I opened a new Paypal account and I guess Bill Me Later/Comenity Bank decided to go ahead and open an account in my name without me wanting or requesting an account be opened. I was alerted by my monitoring service about an inquiry this AM. I'm sure they had some checked box in some unconscious place on the page where it shows that I wanted to apply for this service. I can't get back to that part of the sign up page to check because you have to open a new account with credit card info and Im not doing that again. Anyway, after finding the number to call to raise hell, the lady gave me a fax number to request removal of the info from my reports. My question is should I demand payment for a FCRA violation for no PP and should I mention TILA violations for not disclosing that a credit pull was going to be preformed? I'm sure it's buried somewhere, but I do not recall anything on the page where I signed up that I was requesting BML services. I read over these things pretty well before signing up, at least I thought. I will be filing a CFPB and a letter to Lisa Madigan's office no matter what, but I was winding if I should levee it at that or demand payment.
  4. GECRB changed expiration month to November, and sent out a new card with 5 points back in November. 5 points back on non-PayPal, eBay, Gas, Restaurant. 3 points on Gas, Restaruants 2 points on PayPal, eBay PayPal cash deposits are redeemed as following: 11,500 points / (5 pts / $) = $2,300 spent $100 Cash back / $2,300 = 4.3478% 6,000 points / (5 pts / $) = $1,200 spent $50 Cash back / $1,200 = 4.1667%
  5. Dh has a Paypal Smart Connect account. He has pretty high utilization due to the fact that we just bought a new house and we have had some unexpected expenses. I received an invoice for our daughter's senior portraits, and I went to pay it. We have had a lot of things going on lately, and I don't know why I didn't just put the money in the regular paypal account like I would normally do. I realized too late that I had deposited it as a payment to his Paypal Smart Connect account. It wasn't a big deal at the time because I figured I could still pay the invoice. The payment was made on March 12th, and as of the 19th had not cleared through Paypal. I checked it today and it shows as cleared on the 18th, but instead of showing available in his balance, it shows a much smaller amount. The payment cleared our bank on the 14th. The credit line is still showing normally, but the available credit is not, which doesn't line up. I checked the statement that just dropped and the credit line has not changed there either. So, is dh being balance chased, and it just hasn't shown up yet, or is it possible that the available credit will show up tomorrow? I feel so stupid!!! What is worse is that I won't be able to pay for the senior portraits now. I had that money set aside and don't have any extra room in the budget for this large amount. This really sucks and I hope it's just a glitch and not that we are being balanced chased........
  6. Hello ALL, I have a paypal smart connect account. I got the account in August. Do you think I could get a credit limit increase now? Would I have to have the whole balance paid before I could get an increase? Thank you guys!
  7. So long as you are paying on time, how do you feel about Bill Me Later? Is it a way to build your credit? I read some reviews online that people HATE it but it looked like all the reviews were from people who did not pay on time so they were upset about the fees.
  8. I used my paypal smart connect credit for my backup to the paypal debit mc. it put my account into collections. so it doesn't work anymore when you use your credit limit for the debit card. Pissed
  9. I was approved a little over a week ago and today received my Paypal Extras Plat MC. I can't seem to figure out a way to access it from the Paypal website however. Does it normally take some time after activation or am I missing something here?
  10. when i call ge uw number paypal connect is still a soft pull right got a american on phone this time he said it was a hard pull i said nevermind \ thought i would call back around 3 see if i can get someone else first time they told me it was going to be a hard pull
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