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Found 15 results

  1. Not sure if I'm posting in the right section. I worked for a credit repair company for the past 2 years. They did credit repair for $800.00 - $1500.00 per client. I have beening teaching people for the last 4 months how to get all accounts removed from their credit report for $200.00 from all three bureaus. If anyone is interested please contact me.
  2. Does anyone have a copy of a settlement letter from macys they could send me?
  3. Hi all, Thanks for all your help thus far. I am finally making progress. I have this last negative account on my experian report. Equifax and Transunion has fixed this on my report but Experian is being stubborn about it. I received this letter from my mortgage company after I contacted them trying to get the correct information. I had a short sell back in 2007. Experian says this will not fall off until August of 2015. Since they say in this letter that the loan was still due from May of 2007 shouldn't it have fallen off already or do I go by the Dec 2008 date. I'm trying to get Experian to delete this.The letter is below. Dear, We recently received a question or request for information about your credit report for the account listed above. This question or request may have come from your or a third party on your behalf. Our records show that you paid off (or settled) the account for less than the full balance as of December 2008, and you loan was still due for the May 2007 payment at the time it was settled. We have confirmed that the major credit agencies (Equifax, Experian, Innovis, and Transunion) are showing the same information. We appreciate your business. If you have questions, please call us at one of the telephone numbers listed below. Sincerely,
  4. Who do I call or write an obsolete letter too? Also how do I write the letter?
  5. Newbie here. Needing help w/ things. Been lurking and I don't think I've found this scenario yet. I haven't touched my Credit report in years. I figured my credit was in the toilet but my goal has been to fix it up and I've started this week. I've been playing catch up and think I need to work on creating various validation letters to send out to CA's. I've grouped my debt into 3 blocks: CC's and Lifestyle, Vehicle Loans and Medical Accounts. I've only been at this for two days but I am proud at how organized I've gotten. Even did a spreadsheet for myself. I must admit, I am a little disappointed after checking my real FICO score (not the FAKO). Ever since I started disputing online this week, my score has DROPPED 30 POINTS. Not very encouraging but I am trying to stick with this and not give up. I was so frustrated after seeing my score drop, I called up all my CA's to figure what information they had. What a noob mistake. I forgot that calling the CA's are a no no but I gave out no personal information so I didn't feel so bad. I even learned that one of the reps was upset to see most of my medical debt was invalid because of SOL. Calling was not ok because I know they recorded my calls, and I just hope I didn't hurt my chances of submitting a quality DV for them to remove my negative TL. A few things to keep in mind: 1. I've never declared bankruptcy. 2. I believe the SOL are in effect because it's been more than 7 years for most of this debt. 3. I have one student loan that has been transferred over time that I currently pay on time (no longer in deferment) and is the only positive item showing on my credit. I have some closed positive accounts that help my CR but not worried about those for now. 4. No longer living in the state where most of the debt occurred. (I do believe the CA's are using my new address.) Here is my grouped debt: CC's/Lifestyle = all items have been charged off from OC and have unpaid balances collecting fees with CA CC 1 (clothing) > Asset Acceptance LLC, Opened in Spring 2004, Expected to be unlisted on Experian next month, Equifax Spring 2014 CC 2 (electronics) > Asset Acceptance LLC, Opened in ??, Expected to be unlisted on Experian Summer 2014, Equifax Fall 2014 CC 3 (n/a) > Calvary Portfolio Services, Expected to be unlisted on Experian Summer 2014 CC 4 (clothing) > LVNV Funding->Resurgent->Allied Interstate, Opened in Spring 2007 CC 5 (home) > LVNV Funding ->Resurgent->Capital Mgmt Services, Opened in Spring 2007, Expected to be unlisted summer 2014 from all bureaus CC 6 (electronics) > Midland Funding, Expected to be unlisted on Experian Summer 2014, Equifax Winter 2014 CC 7 (n/a) > Midland Funding, Opened in Winter 2004, Expected to be unlisted on Experian Summer 2014, Equifax Winter 2014 Rental Bill (ex damaged walls but I need to pay for it) > National Credit Systems, Opened in Winter 2011 Utility Bill (ex refused to pay his share but it was in my name) > name of CA withheld, Winter 2008 n/a = actual credit card not tied to a particular store or use. Used everywhere. Vehicle Loan Credit Union > name of CA withheld> opened up in Spring 2004, high balance reported but car was given back to dealer in 2008. Never listed as a repossession. Expected to be unlisted summer 2015 on all bureaus and become positive, unpaid account. Medical Accounts 8 ER bills all sent to various collections, opened up in 2007 but all expected to be removed from CR beginning next month into the spring 2014. I HAVE ONE CAP1 CREDIT CARD NOT IN COLLECTIONS WITH A HIGH BALANCE. Opened up in Summer 2000, expected to be unlisted in Winter 2014 from all bureaus. They said they won't sue and that I just need to pay. Any idea why this may have not been sent out to collections? They want to settle for half. I hung up the phone. High balance. I guess my question is this: If the CRA's are going to remove the item off their bureau is there even a point to writing DV's to the CA's seeing all this time has passed. Since I made the mistake and called them today, will they try to say the SOL is not in effect and attempt to collect all over again? And for the two accounts that were passed to multiple CA's do I only do a DV for the CA willing to settle the debt or them all including the parent CA? I need help in determining if the following DV is good enough to send out to the majority of my CC's and Lifestyle/Vehicle Loan debt. I plan to use the HIPAA DV sample for the Medical Account debt but being a perfectionist, I want to make this right. SAMPLE DV Letter My Name.... My Address on file Date of Letter By Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested Name of Debt Collector Address of Debt Collector Re: Account # ?? To Whom It May Concern: The letter is written in response to the letter/call I received from your office dated. I respectfully ask, pursuant to my rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, that your office provide me with suitable validation of the debt. I would like to emphasize that this letter is not refusal to pay, but simply a request for proof of legitimacy of my obligation. This said, the proof of the obligation should be complete and should include copies of the following documents: 1. The agreement with the original creditor that authorized you to collect this on behalf of this debt. 2. The agreement reflecting my signature that confirms my acceptance of the obligation. 3. The complete payment history of this account. Until your office fully complies with my validation request, I expect there will be no further action on your part to collect this debt. Additionally, if your office fails to reply to this letter within 30 days of receipt this account is expected to be deleted from my credit file and no further efforts to collect this debt can be made. Sincerely, name print only
  6. Perhaps they consider it acceptable, but my bank does not. The wording in the first half is so mealy-mouthed, it makes my account which was paid in full (Not settled) well over a year ago look as if there's still payment pending. After a long phone conversation that ended up with a legal rep on the phone with me, this is the ONLY letter they send, they refuse to provide a payment date or date satisfied, and won't budge on it. Just an FYI, if you're looking for a PIF from Verizon now, this is as close as you will get. Oh, and it will take 24-48 hours.
  7. My family just found out a couple weeks ago my uncle has stage 4 cancer. He's been out of work for over 8 months and hasn't seen a penny of income since March. He's in debt by roughly $27,000 between credit cards and medical bills. He has been able to keep up to date with his debt by means of my grandmother. We went into a BK lawyer this past week and he's recommending he doesn't file for BK since at this point he's got no income, he has three vehicles that he owns 50% of each. Aside from that, he has no property, no assets, etc. The lawyer doesn't think any creditor would come to take a vehicle to try to recover some money in the event it got to that point, so he said to just stop paying all the bills since it's most likely a case of my uncle not returning to work. If he ever does, we'll take action to file for BK at that point My question is in the mean time, would it be advisable to send letters off the creditors to let them know of the situation and that he has no money, will not be getting any money, etc? Or would that potentially expedite the process for them to sue him and take any action possible to try to recover something (vehicles) for their benefit? Or would it really be null and void and a lost cause to even tell them? We're in Missouri. I'm posting this here in the Credit forums since I felt this was more appropriate, I was just mentioning the BK info for informational purposes and what we've done so far for him. Thanks for any advise
  8. Hello all... I have sent a dispute letter to Transunion, Equifax, and Experian. This letter went un-awnsered for 50 days. I followed up with a second dispute letter sent CMRR. I have received a response from all three, two of which state that the information will be removed. I do not trust that it will be, as I have been fighting with them for years over the same problems (my father and I have the same name, and our reports get mixed up). I have read that after changes have been made due to a dispute, that I can request a free paper copy of the updated reports. Is this true? And if so, does anyone have a sample letter of what I can send, requesting the updated reports? Thank you in advance!
  9. Rubin & Rothman LLC Re: Account # xxxxxxx Dear Sir/Madam, I dispute your claims in their entirety and request validation as mentioned in your letter dated mm dd, yyyy. More specifically, I hereby request that you please send full validation as intended in accordance with the FDCPA. Should proof of this debt be unattainable and forwarded, I will assume there your claim is invalid and will consider this matter with your company closed and expect immediate removal of all notations of this account. In addition, phone calls are inconvenient at all times. Sincerely,
  10. Hi everyone, I am new to posting on the credit boards, so I hope this isn't a redundant post. I've looked around in the forums, and a lot of what I see on this particular topic is from several years back. So forgive me if I have overlooked something relevant. After opting out and now waiting for old addresses to be removed from my reports, I am approaching the next phase of writing my first dispute letters to the big 3 CRA's for removal of some collections accounts. I see that the "Jack Attack" still seems to work very well. But other than that, I was wondering what the best current method is to dispute outside of that. Is it the more general you are (i.e. Collection Account xyz is inaccurate and should be removed) or do I need to go into more detail? Like I said, I may be missing something huge on the forums about this and I have also looked in the section where sample letters are. While I see a lot of DV letters to collection agencies, I can't seem to find a current letter or method on starting directly with the CRA's. I'm looking for something current, as I don't want to try something that the CRA's are on to, and no longer works. I don't even necessarily need a sample letter, as I know it needs to be original from each person. Just some tips and/or suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!! Kristen
  11. I looked through the Resources "Sample Letter" forum and didn't see an example of an Obsolete Letter. When using the search functions, I find plenty of people reference Obsolete Letters, but I was unable to locate any actual letters to review. Is one available to look over that I am missing? Kat
  12. I am about to send out a couple goodwill letters this week to HSBC for 2 accounts that were charged off/sold in 2009 to ask them to delete. Everything I have read leads me to believe they do not do this. Just wondering if anybody has had any success with getting HSBC accounts deleted and how they accomplished this feet? Also does anybody have an email address that I could send the letter to?
  13. so i have payed my amex accout in jauary and received the optima pre approved application 3 weeks after paying my account in full. so i filled out the app and sent it to amex 2 weeks ago and still have not received my card so i called them today and they looked me up by my social and the rep said that there is no resent card i have applyed for. my question is how long does it take to receive the card in the mail also do they have to call you and tell you that the card is on the way?? please help im very confused i just want my amex card here.
  14. I have a letter from American Express that is 10 months old confirming that I was a victim of identity theft and that AmEx has taken "all necessary steps to close the account and remove any and all derogatory information regarding this American Express account from your credit bureau report." Nothing shows up from them on my credit report anyway. I have excellent credit. Apparently someone charged thousands of dollars to an account under my name 10 years ago, but even Amex acknowledges this was theft and not my fault. A year or so ago I applied for an American Express card, and I was denied, and they said on the phone this was because of a "previously delinquent account." I asked for an exception to be made due to this not being my account. They asked me to submit the letter that they sent me. I said, you mean you want ME to submit a letter to YOU, that YOU wrote? You're not organized enough to know that you sent me a letter? They said we can see on the computer that your identity was stolen and that this fraudulent account was not you and we can see we sent you a letter confirming that, but we would still like to see the letter we sent. I can't believe I want to do business with this company. What a disaster?! I can just see having to deal with their customer service being a complete nightmare for even a simple thing. What nerve to make me do work for Amex, like excuse me am I getting a salary for Amex? Do you want me to clean the Amex bathrooms too? Anyway, I would like still to try out having an American Express card. So I sent them the letter they wrote as they requested. I got another rejection. This time their letter referred to the closed account they referred to as a fraudulent use of my identity in the letter about which they said all traces of it would be eliminated from my life. So the new letter starts out "Reference: (account number they said they would completely eliminate 10 months ago)". This letter is in confirmation of our telephone conversation regarding the application for XYZ card from AmEx our office rec'd in your name. Your application has been reviewed by a Supervisor for possible exception. Unfortunately, your application will not be processed as an exception and we will abide by our original decision. In accordance with your request, the following are the reasons why your application was declined: American Express cancelled your previous card account(s) I am sorry but if this isn't the must F'd up company that exists that completely deserves to go bankrupt because of their own idiocy, then I am a flying pig with 19 horns and a jet engine for a tail. This is completely inane and stupid. Let's review: 1) I never had an Amex account 2) I apply for an Amex account 3) I get rejected 4) Amex gives me written confirmation that they agree I never had an Amex account. 5) Amex gives me written confirmation that all traces of the fraud account effecting me would be eliminated. 6) Nearly a year goes by 7) I apply again 8) They confirm #4 and #5 on the phone 9) They ask for the letter referred to in #4 and #5 which they themselves sent, but they make me do the job of an Amex employee and send them back the same letter because they are too stupid to find it, and too stupid not to need to see it even though they confirm the same points of the letter on their customer system 10) They reject me again, reason: Had an old account (which they agree I never actually had) I will tell you what else is inane and stupid...the fact that I STILL want an AmEx card after all that. It just really ticks me off that I can't get one. So two questions for the forum, and I hope someone can shed light: Does this make any sense to you? Is there a better way to go about applying for an Amex card or is it hopeless that I will ever get rid of all traces of this very old identity theft?
  15. The 30 days I allowed for a response to a PFD letter that I sent has passed without a response. Is the next step to give them a call? I am nervous about messing up and accidentally doing something stupid. What should I do?
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