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My last blemish is an unpaid judgement that isnt set to fall off till 2016(I do want to app for a Mortgage right around then, so I do know I need to pay it) Ive read WHYCHATS page and am currently using that technique for a paid judgement, but I was wondering about the there anyway they do a PFD type deal? I know its a legal issue and that seems highly unlikely. If i just pay it(and it ages) Because scores are all 690-710 and I have rebounded well and am building higher Limits with Prime cards. I want to be able to qualify for a mortgage in the next 18-24 months. Have very good income and about 30K in limits. Just trying to figure the last piece of the puzzle :-)
I had two paid Judgements showing balances on my credit reports, I disputed the items to all three CRAs and I received my first notification from Trans today. One deleted and the other verified and shows a balance due. The judgement is clearly paid, and I have the court record. Im confused how Transunion can update a judgement as verified when the balance is wrong. I didn't dispute it as not mine. Ive looked thru the site and I don't see a solid process of what to do next. Should I send something to Midland? I wouldn't think the Attorneys for Midland are reporting this.. Should I go back at Transunion and send them a copy of the satisfied judgement? Thanks all!
I was previously sued by a landlord after moving out early due to failure for them to repair the heating system. Long story short they received a judgment of $2800 with 3.5% interest per year. The ended up garnishing my wages but then reporting to the court interst of 3.5% daily because they didn't understand what per annum meant. It went unnoticed for a few months but then last month I took them to court and the judge was so angry about their gross miscalculations (they said I owed $20000 due to interest) that he vacated the judgment and ordered them to pay back the funds. My question is, how do I get back the funds, especially those that were overpaid? Do I send them a letter? Do I file a motion or take them to small claims court? any help is appreciated!
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i had a judgement against me in NYC 2009, it was a landlord tenant situation i thought i could/should win . no word from the landlords lawyer until last week . my partner gets a letter to determine joint assets and 1 day later my chase bank account is frozen. i called lawyer and asked why did he wait five years , he said i was unreachable . same phone number and address and email for 10+ years .. it is for interest etc etc . he wants full payment plus interest at 9% .. any advice .. can i make an offer ? Drew
OK, so i disputed my judgement and tu and exp deleted it yeah!!! equifax verifed it. My judgement is recorded at the court house the judgement is paid and is. marked paid on my credit report and now verified for equifax Tthe judgement amount is different than the amount that is recorded and on my equfax report because I qualified to only pay 5% of the medical bilsl.after the judgement was given. Is the grounds for deletion?? How do I handle equifax thanks so much Heidi
Good Morning Everyone, I just realized that the original creditors for my judgement are no longer listed. I know that in NJ the SOL for judgement a max of 14 years from original delinquent date but if my original creditor is no longer listed, how do i find this our? Do i go by the date of filing? Really need some help with this- I've been fighting to get this removed.
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So I won a default judgement from a JDB who made the mistake of reporting to my bureau, they failed to notate and continued collection activity after failing to validate, so I sued them in NM Small Claims, I won by default and the 30 day period they could have appealed has passed. Now I have to apply for a writ of execution, that apparently they still have 10 more days to file for a motion to be "exempt", I'll have to serve this summons... more fees sigh. I'm not disclosing the name of the JDB just yet, but I'm looking for resources to help me with the collection of this judgement... The JDB is in Texas. What I'm looking for is... what's the process is in Texas with a foreign writ. I spoke with the constable's office and they said they would execute the writ (but didn't know if they could execute a foreign writ) and "scare" em, and they will usually cough up a check but that they can't take any property that is "used for their daily business", so computer's and desks, etc. can't be grabbed unfortunately. As I understand it: I need to make this application for writ of execution in NM *Get the summons issued by the NM court *Serve the new summons on them *They'll have 10 days to respond with a "exempt" status and a hearing would be set or else the writ will be issued. *(Side note: I'm reading the application and it states I must choose one of three statements... [ ] I served the judgment debtor with a notice of right to claim exemptions more than ten (10) days prior to filing this application for writ of execution and the judgment debtor has not filed a claim of exemption for the property to be seized and sold.1 [ ] The judgment debtor has filed a waiver of the right to claim exemption for the property to be seized and sold.2 [X] The judgment debtor is not a natural person. Since they are a corporation, I might not have to serve them the notice of rights From here I get fuzzy... Can I use the NM writ with the constable in Texas? or do I have to domesticate the writ? If I have to domesticate it, can I do that pro se or will I need an attorney in Texas, as I understand Small Claims in Texas TOTALLY changed last year. Then I need to find their new physical address for the constable as I think they've moved and their address and websites are in flux... And of course finding a bank account would be glorious! (does anyone know of a database out there with dirtbag collector asset info?) ANY help would be really awesome.
I'm looking to refinance my mortgage soon and I have a few things I'm looking to clean up between now and then. As of the last few weeks one of the last blemishes on my reports dropped off. All that is left are 2 satisfied judgments, when I bought my house in July '12 they were verified with the courts as being satisfied. One of which we had to have them file the paper with the court to report as such, the other was confirmed when my LO requested the doc from the court. Both of these are scheduled to drop off my reports in 2015. Unfortunately both show on EX but EQ and TU only show 1 (ironically they each show the opposite of the other CRA). My first question: Should I try to dispute them or should I try to have them vacated via the courts then removed? (from what I understand in UT I can file a motion to vacate but I haven't consulted an attorney yet).My scores have been ranging in the mid 600's due mostly to high utilization, AAOA and inq.'s. on EX 17 now with 5 from my mortgage gone by end of May, I have 10 from '13 due to an app spree last may and a car I purchased in Aug. 13 on EQ also with 5 dropping off by end of May. TU only shows 2 which were last month and I can B* them if I really need to. I recently, hasn't reported yet, got a huge CLI on my Discover that will drop my utilization there from 90 to 30 and have done some other shuffling to have more of my cards report a $0 balance. The end result should bring my overall utilization near 40% with less of my cards reporting a balance. By the time I do the refi I will have paid more of them down/off so I should be around 20-30% overall then. Side note, long term I'm going to close accounts for cards with high APR's and less than a 2k CL but I'm not closing anything until I have better terms on my mortgage. Pre-refi I am looking to open a card with Navy Fed to BT balances off smaller cards with higher APR's and util but they denied me yesterday (I'm going to appeal but apparently I need to wait for denial letter). I have around 4k I'd like to remove from other cards but 3k would allow me to be sure none of those are over 40% util so I'm hoping to get about a 10-15k limit with Navy. In Aug my 0% intro on my Discover is done so I'm planning to see about opening a card with a 0% BT offer that will give me at least a year to pay that off. My GF and I just got her 0% card paid off today since that intro was up in May and will be working on mine now so I estimate I'll only need to move 1000-1500 over. I realize that yet more new accounts isn't good for FICO but so far it seems to be better than high util and I really don't want to pay interest on the Discover balance if I can help it. I've poured over the Credit Pulls data for the Chase Slate and Citi Diamond cards. I think I can get approved for one of them but I'm not sure and I'll need to wait until about May to be sure all the changes last month and the amounts I'm paying down this month will report. I expect all of that will take until June-July which is ideal for my refi but I'm not sure where rates are going to go. I'd like to wait on my refi because I want to have 24 months of payments on my mortgage and so I don't have to list my old address. I'd like to have nothing to do with that address primarily due to some drama with my old landlord (long story that is tangential to this post). I'm thinking I want to do my refi with Navy Fed. After going through many loan programs offered by several lenders their 5/5 ARM with no PMI sounds really nice since my goal is to drop about $200/mo and it looks like I may be able to keep my current rate for the first 5 years. I'm sitting at owing 192k and the house is worth about 230k so I'm really close on LTV. When I bought the house I had to use a local program that offered 100% financing and the first is FHA so I'm stuck with PMI for at least 5 years (I was fortunate to not get caught with the new PMI rules). So my next question is: Can anyone tell me about their experience getting a mortgage through Navy fed?To make a long post more of a novel... I tried to cover any questions that might come up but my general question is for advice. I'm really trying to restructure my debt while I pay everything down/off and the house is the biggest hurdle that I think I can make a bit lower.
I have a civil judgement showing up on all 3 credit bureaus from a credit union that my Ex and I shared. The amount is for $500. I was able to pull the judgement up online by using the docket number showing on my credit report. The notes show that I was served and the judge ruled in favor of the Credit Union. It shows that I was served via my Ex Husband on 9/9/2010. I never have seen the papers or had any knowledge of the judgement nor did my Ex ever make mention of it. I only noticed it now when I started working on cleaning up my credit. Can someone assist with knowing if this is a filed judgement or just recorded. Here is the information I was able to pull up on my local county clerk website. Case # 10M#### (Shows as docket number on my credit reports) Filing Date 8/18/2010 Status: Disposed by judgement It shows myself vs. the Credit Union. There are also history notes with dates that show when the court hearing was 10/7/2010 of course I wasn't present because I was unaware and history regarding the court hearing. It also show a file date of when the documents were mailed to myself and the Credit Union 10/12/2010. Also which I never received or was aware of. I am just not sure where to go from here, if needed I can pay the $500 but honestly I am not sure what the charge is for. The only thing I can think of is a shared bank account that my Ex and I once shared before splitting. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks to al CBers.
I have been working on repairing credit and home searching for about five years. My credit was in complete despair after my divorce and so far I have paid off all the old debt except two things that are now judgments against me. One is for $5000 and the other is about $8000. The reason I haven't paid these is 1) I haven't had the money and 2) This was my exes debt and I felt like he should pay it. These items should be off my credit report in about a year and a half so at this point I am just playing the waiting game. I realize this makes me look bad but that is what I am doing. Everything else is paid off and I only have a student loan and a car payment now which total around $800 per month. My monthly income (with overtime which is consistent for several years) is about $4900. Questions: Can I get financed for a home with these two unpaid judgements on my credit? Can I go the FHA or USDA route? Any advice, information, tips and tidbits would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
My husband and I are hoping to buy a home soon, the only thing stopping us is the judgment on his credit report. His credit report says that it is estimated to be removed 03/2014. However, we have never had to deal with this before and just don't know what to expect. Will it be removed in March?
I had applied to the IRS to withdraw a federal tax lien that was paid (settled for less than the full amount) in 2012. All indications were that they likely would not do the removal because of the settlement but today I got two letters from them: One was the notice informing me that they were indeed withdrawing the lien, and the second was the lien withdrawal certificate itself. I could not be more happy!! Has anyone ever done a lien withdrawal before? What’s the best way to get this lien off my CRs? Should I just dispute it as incorrect with the CRAs online, or mail a copy of the letter to each CRA and write asking them to withdraw? Thanks so much for all your advice, guys. My CRs are (will be) totally clean for the first time in ... I can't remember. Now I can rebuild. Yay!
I have a recorded judgement from Chase that is reporting with all three CRAs since 8/2010. Chase garnished my wages and the debt was paid in full 7/2011. The judgement on the CRs is listed as unpaid. Looked up the info on the judgement online via the Circuit Clerks website, saw that a release/satisfaction was filed 3/2012. I read up on WhyChat's site re: deleting judgements. My question is can I have this judgement removed at all, since the information reported on the CRs (which came from LN or somewhere else) is not accurate? Or, will the entry just be updated to paid/released at the most? Also, is there something wrong with the release being reported some 7 months later? TIA...
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Hello everyne! I have a judgement filed against me with FIA Card Services. I got copies of the case at the courthouse and have reviewed it a few times. I don't recall signing any judgement from 2010 but my signature and handwriting is all over those papers. I would definitely remember if I signed for a judgement. However, I did took care of the bill back in 2010 and it is a paid judgement by default. I have no paper trails. The dates on my CR does match to the court papers. I was thinking about using WHYCHATS judgement process but want insights from CB first. Any pointers are appreciated!
I moved out of a rental due to failure to repair heating. My landlord sued me in small claims court and the judge seemed to ignore many things. He ordered me to pay judgement for the month I left as well as 10 days in January. Under Oklahoma law I am entitled to break lease immediately and not have to pay rent. Furthermore, my landlord lives in Italy and sent her sister in law as power of attorney. At first the judge stated that power of attorney cannot represent anyone during small claims court but them allowed her to do so. Furthermore this power of attorney has already been harassing me and has retrieved my work email address from the global directory as I work for the army and so does the landlord. She has told me not to contact the landlord regarding this matter and to deal with her directly. I have told her not to contact me at work but she refuses to do so. Furthermore I am appealing the decision but have to do so with the Supreme Court. What remedies do I have as of right now to keep this power of attorney off my trail? Is she supposed to be contacting me at work?
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Longtime Lurker and now ready to get this party started and would love some advice. I've read the newbie sections and stickys many times, but would still like some guidance on my next step. Had perfect credit from 1999 (age 18) when I got my 1st CC until mid 2007. As result of that I was in pretty deep debt. Close to 80K in installment loans, student loans, cc, and back taxes. Some worked with me and ONLY CRAP ONE and CITI (my one judgment) didn't and at the end of November I passed my states 6 years SOL on the CRAP ONE account. I have bank statements, CC statements, and copy of all letters sent to me regarding collections to prove this if challenged. The CITI judgment against me 5 years ago which lead me to CB and the 1st thin I did was opt-out as directed on here. I haven't applied for any new credit either since then. I have zero hard pulls on my accounts currently. I have been once a year getting my free credit report and trying to get the companies that I have been paying to remove my 30,60, and 90 day lates, and remove my old address. Been using Credit Karma and Credit Sesame for monitoring as well. Last week I sent in to get all three of my credit reports mailed to me, so I have hard copies and can do the next step, which i'm not 100% sure what I should do. Some of my current open accounts are linked to a P.O. BOX or even the banks address as I wanted to keep a low profile and look judgment proof as possible. I want to have all my open accounts with my correct current address now, so the will be less likely to verify my old address when I try to remove them correct? I'm not too concerned with removing the negatives trade lines left on my report as most will fall off in the next 6 to 12 months by default, but I would like to getll all these bogus addresses off or should. Or should I wait until all those negative trade lines fall off to get them removed? 2nd question....This will be my only eyesore left from one year from now and I really want it gone so I have totally clean reports. My judgment has another year left on it and I know they have the ability to renew it. I haven't paid if off as I thought it would trigger the other companies that I didn't pay off to start filing judgments too. Remarkably they haven't been able to collect a dime which is amazing. I'm not sure how they haven't track my employer down as it's been the same for 5 years and my salary is public information as I work for the government. Sometimes even a simple google search of my name will show where I work and what I'm paid. I've done my best to get these removed on the web when they do show up. I've stayed off Linkden, and I don't give my employment info to anyone. They once tried to garish out of a bank where I didn't have an account (had credit pull there) and also one time tried to garnish at a place I was last employed at in 2004, which might have been on my original account application. These guys don't seem very aggressive or smart. The judgment was 4K and is about 6k with interest according to my calculation. I have the ability to pay if off; however I guess I would like something in return from them (reduced interest/ remove judgment from CR, which I know is tough) Ideas on how to proceed with this? My concern is if I contract them, I'm turning up this stone, paying 6K and not getting anything in return. I'm I better off taking my chances and leaving this on my report for another 24 months and hope they don't renew? Thanks in advance!
They got a default judgement and now have sent a fact information sheet that is due in about a week. Then this weekend I received a notice of taking deposition for a date in November. At the time the court date was when the judgement was entered I was advised by a debt settlement company to let it go since I was not in a position to negotiate. The OC was GE Money and I am in FL Any ideas on how I can approach this?
I have a judgment for the amount of $2037. This was for 17 different account numbers and dates of service. I was being seen twice a week for prenatal testing and each time I was seen, a new account number was created. The billing dept would not combine the accounts so I could make one monthly pymt for all accounts. After getting the summons in the mail, I did make a few payments to the lawyer but after a shocking heart attack and bypass surgery I was out of work for several months. This created even more bills that are in collections. However, most of the accounts reported as collections are the ones reported in the judgment. Can they be reported as both collections and a judgement? Do I handle the judgment differently than the collections? Can the judgment be removed or should I arrange a settlement with the CA, have the status updated as "Paid" and write the OC asking if they will consider writing a letter to the CRA to have the judgment removed? I have worked for the reporting medical facility for a long time. Although I do not personally know the person who would be responsible for sending the letter but maybe they will be compassionate?? Do I start with the initial dispute letter to the CRA?
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- judgement
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A while ago we got a letter stating that a judgement had been issued for an unsettled debt of my wives. We contacted a lawyer to see what this was all about and the lawyer contacted the lawyer that was involved in the court process. We got a letter back from that lawyer saying that the judgement is not valid and would be taken off the report. Well we pulled her report the other day and notice that there is a judgement there and confirmed its the same judgement as the one we dealt with. My question to you guys is what do we need to do to get this removed? We still have the original letter from the lawyer saying that its not a valid judgement and that it would be dropped.
Can anyone help me understand? We foreclosed and received deficiency judgement (in South Carolina) in August of 2010. I won't go into why we foreclosed except to say we were sickened by it and tried to work with the bank but they refused. Almost 8 weeks ago we applied for VA loan via Navy Federal Credit Union. We were pre-approved. Question: Who gave the pre-approval, the VA, since they will be backing the loan, or our lender NFCU? I ask because I have since read that if there is an unpaid judgement in public records that the VA will not approve. However, we were pre-approved. (We were not aware of the dollar amount of judgement when we applied, by the way) This is where it gets tricky: The foreclosed home sold in June/July of 2012. We found out via our old neighbors. We KNEW we had a deficiency judgement, so we just waited...and waited...and waited for GMAC or a collection agency to contact us via phone, mail, or sheriff delivered notification. We have not heard anything! Nothing! So, we apply for the VA backed loan via lender NFCU. We get the pre-approval. We knew that "Foreclosure" was on my husbands credit report. However, there is no mention of a judgement in the public records portion of our credit report. We were totally honest with the loan officer and answered all of her questions regarding our foreclosure. Here we are 2 days from closing on a home (husbands credit score averaged between the 3 companies - 720, no late credit card payments, he makes plenty of money - everything looks great, no other dings at all on his credit). However, how can we get this far along in this closing process when our closing attorney found our judgement amount of 122k, but the VA or NFCU did NOT???? I am fully expected to get the denial of loan phone call at the 11th hour. I have accepted this. However, how can the VA and NFCU allow weeks of the closing process knowing (they have to know, right?) of that judgement amount? By the way, March 12th was the first time we heard about the 122k. Like I said, we have never been contacted. I'm sorry for being wordy after all. I'm just trying to explain my confusion without confusing the person willing to help me understand what's going on.
Good day, I have several paid medical collections still reporting that were paid via judgement. (Over 2 years old) I also have open "true" collection with the same creditor. I am looking for advise on deleting or showing 0 balance on the old reporting items (or is closed ok w/ balance ok) I'm not sure exactly how to deal with them as I have some open collections with them that I have not paid yet. Should I try to pay OC first as they are not reporting and then correct the old?
Hi, I recently applied for a mortgage and of course my credit report was pulled to review my history. My credit was repaired a while back and I now have zero debt, however there was a judgment against me from Discover card in 2004. Since that judgment I settle with Discover Bank (paid as agreed), but the judgment is still listed on two of my credit reports (Experian, Transunion) as not paid, but is not appearing on my Equifax report at all. I've contacted Experian and Transunion to have it removed, but I had a few questions. 1. My understanding is that even if they are paid judgments stay on your report for 7 years. Could this be the reason Equifax doesn't have the judgement on their report while the other two do? 2. I know they have 30 days, but how long does it typically take to review in a situation where it seems clear. What I mean is that I'm not disputing anything that cannot be proven by looking at my credit report since my credit report shows the pay-off to Discover. 3. Should I contact the court to make sure the judgment has been changed to paid? Thanks for any additional information you can provide. Thank you.