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Found 6 results

  1. I filed my taxes in 2012 but I was in prison at that time. I was released in January of 2013 and immediately started working again. I recently found out (in early 2014) that my identity had been stolen. I called the IRS but they have been giving me the run-around for around 9 months. I'm poor and I need help getting my 2013 tax return. Does anyone have any advice on how I can get this resolved? Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
  2. Xpost from Idenity Theft. I have sent block letter per FACTA to Experian along with FTC Affidavit, police report, driver license, social security card, utility bill (for address verification) and received 2 page letter from them after a month of investigation. Basically here what is said on the first page "If you still wish to have this information blocked, please submit an identity theft report without the deficiencies noted at the end of this letter". At the end of the letter is noted "The identity theft report that you provided to us does not meet the guidelines established by the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act for the following reasons(s): It was not filed with a law enforcement agency which subjects the person filing the report to criminal penalties relating to the filing of false information" Can someone explain what is this response and what is my next step? This is unbelievable. Equifax and Transunion diligently blocked within 24 hours of receiving. [/ post]
  3. Hey guys I have a question in regard to how EX and EQ are now not blocking items as fast as they used to. I have been working in the ID Theft resolution business for quite some time now and as of the last month or so things have drastically changed. Before my client would have to furnish an FTC affidavit of ID Theft, police report, ID, SS card, Utility Bill, and Driver license along with a cover page and usually within a few weeks they would block the negative items opened by ID theft. Now they don't block anything, and you have to send in the information multiple times on top of now having to upload the 16+ pages to EX website (after you get a file number assuming their site works to get one) where as before you could fax it. Not sure what is going on but maybe someone can help me out with that the heck is up. TU is still the same thank goodness. Any help would be great. Thanks.
  4. (Oops...*breach. Can't edit title) I received a letter today from the Privacy Office of St. Joseph Hospital System, because a hospital at which I received care in 2007 has experienced a security attack on one of their servers back in December. This was the first I'd heard of this, and I just searched online to confirm the info. The letter is from Suwanee, GA, and the location applicable to me is in Bryan, Texas. According to several news reports, multiple facilities within this hospital system were affected, and the servers were accessed from a location in China. It went on for 2 days before it was discovered and the server shut down. But all of my personal info was on that server. If you think you may be affected, be sure to Google for more info, because I assume I can't post a link to an external source here. The hospital system is paying for a year of ID theft prevention and resolution services for anyone affected.
  5. I'm dealing w/ identity theft right now as some of you might know already. One of the credit cards the ID thief tried to get was American Express. The inquiry showed up on my EQ report on the same day as the other two credit cards they tried to get. This is what's showing up on my report: American Express TRS CO, Inc. 4315 S 2700 W Salt Lake City, UT 84148-0001 I tried calling Amex twice and both times the reps told me that they couldn't find anything associated with my SSN or name. I looked on Amex's website & couldn't find this address. I want to send a letter to the address showing under the inquiry but want to make sure that this is legit. Can anyone help? Thank you!
  6. So back in January I found out I was the victim of ID theft- someone applied for and received a Sears card and a Best Buy card using my information. Thankfully I have USAA monitoring so the problem was discovered in a matter of days. A police report was filed, and both accounts have been closed and deleted from my credit reports, but the inquiries for those accounts remain. I have fraud alerts on all three CRAs as a result of this ID theft, so is there any downside to disputing these INQs for removal? I'm going to be looking for an apartment and a car loan in August, and would like my report to be as clean and accurate as possible. Thanks!
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