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Found 4 results

  1. Good evening and happy holidays to all - My federal student loan went into default and I started getting garnished in Feb. 2014. The loans report as 4-6 separate line items on my credit that are bad debts. Since I am essentially paying the loan monthly, shouldn't the collector (DOF sold the account) be reporting the payments to the collection agency? Right now, it's still listed as simply bad debt. Thanks for any help or guidance you can provide.
  2. Hi, I have a automobile that I had given up to the creditor because my wife lost her job and I could not afford it. Instead of coming to pick up the auto the went to garnishment even though I told them I was going to do a bankruptcy. not more than a week later I received the fact they were going to garnish me. but I still have the car. is this legal? or should I get a lawyer and sue both the lender and the attorney who is collecting?
  3. So I have 41,000 dollars in defaulted student loans. I have been under AWG since September 2013...they take out 15% of my net which comes out to 420.00 a month. I want to rehabilitate the student loans so I call TG (Texas Guaranteed) which is my CA and they tell me that I can't start the process for an entire year after I first had AWG. So that is the bad news because I want to start building my credit now. I have 8 separated student loans (per semester of college) and the TL's are killing my credit score. The good news is the person giving me this information told me that since I pay so much I will only have to pay $20.00 a month for 9 months on top of the $420 AWG. That shouldn't be hard, but the wait is going to kill me... My question is: Is there any possible way that this is incorrect information? Why does one have to wait an entire year after AWG started to start rehabilitation? Is there any way around this or am I stuck waiting?
  4. In 2011 and 2012 I had $26k garnished from my paycheck by Resurgence Legal group for an old Citibank CC CO. (I I think it was charged off back in 2002 or 2003.) I don't remember the original amount but it was nowhere near $26k...maybe 10 or 15K max. They got a default judgement against me even though it was out of SOL because I didn't know about SOL and was overwhelmed at the time with my life circumstances. I stupidly did not go to court was in ostrich mode. The garnishment was completed last year and I was just happy to have it behind me and start working on repairing my credit...found this site have made lots of progress. Fast forward to today...I just got an email from someone in Payroll saying this company is now garnishing me for an additional $1200 in interest. Can they do this????
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