Okay, So I am working on getting my credit cleaned up, I have 2 student loans that got defaulted back in 2009 and then I started making payments and setup on auto pay I never agreed to loan rehab at that point or anything like that, I was just making my minimum payments and going on with life.
Fast forward to now and I want to buy a house soon and now I have 6 TL's listed on my CR and ECMC is in control of them, I called ECMC and talked to a very rude lady to inquire about going onto a rehab plan and she told me that I have already done the rehab plan so I am screwed on getting my credit back in order.
Apparently without notifying me at some point throughout the process ECMC sold the loans to AES/Sun Loans and i never was told that and they say i missed a couple payments and sent it back to ECMC and now I am stuck with ECMC.
The amounts are relatively low ($150 & $1750) but the lady from ECMC said even if I pay them in full right now they will make sure that the TL stays on my credit for 7+ years and they do not ever delete paid TL's
What can I do? I have a complaint filed with the OMBUDSMAN but have not heard back from them.
Please help!