Hi. We previoulsy posted about LVNV Funding in another thread a week or two ago and the Dunning Letter my spouse received (recently was married, since the last thread). We've sent a DV letter as instructed CMRR and waiting a response fron that with the guidance we learned from here.He just recieved another letter from Asset Acceptance LLC that is offering a 90% discount to pay now.
It does state in the bottom in very small print:
"The law limits how long you can be sued for a debt. Because of the age of your debt, we will not sue you for it, and we will not report it to any credit reporting agency."
From what I can tell, this would only require a response to make them essentially.. go away. I belive I've seen this referred to as a FOAD letter, correct?
We have a complicated journey ahead with his credit as we just married (thanks to recent law changes) and he is changing his last name to mine which may help or hinder the process of his repair (but I'll save that for another thread).
Input, suggestions or guidance would be appreciated.