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  1. A few weeks ago I started the initial dispute process for 3 medical collections that I discovered on my CBR from 2009 and 2013. Although I have not received an official response via mail from TU, I just logged in to my Credit Karma account and saw that one collection (reported by Central Financial Control) was updated on 12-26-14 as CLOSED. At this point, should I patiently wait for the mailed response to my dispute from TU or should I proceed with the next step and send the dispute letter to Central Financial Control now? I know for a fact the account reported by CFC is invalid because a totally different CA is reporting the same account on both EQ and EX. Any advice will be appreciated!!
  2. So, first of all, hello! I've been reading up on things here for a while now and just recently decided to join and start posting. You seem like a great bunch and I am excited to get started with using all the knowledge everyone here has provided. My name is Amanda, I am 28 years old and live in New Hampshire. I have been married for 6 years to my husband Jason. Due to being young and niave and overly trusting of my ex my credit was trashed. Prior to meeting me, my husband didn't have any credit. The only thing on his report was an old Cap One card that his mother put him as an Authorized User on. It was stolen shortly after opening. Over the years there have been medical bills that wound up in collections, and aparently an electric bill (though I thought we had it payed off before we moved). Last September I signed us up on Credit Karma and decied to work on improving and building credit. I decided that it would be much easier to focus on his and that is what I have been doing. Until now I have only focused on opening accounts and establishing some good history. This has worked rather well and brought his score up over 100 points on its own. He is now sitting at 624. Now that we have decided we want to go for a USDA loan, I need to deal with the collection accounts. USDA requires that all collection accounts have payment plans set up. Unfortunatly, we are already near the limit for our DTI ratios so I need to get at least some of them removed entirely before proceeding. So, after doing my research here, I have come up with, and tweaked a million times over, a plan of attack. I wanted to create a thread to log my progress, and also to get feedback and answers to a few questions. So here goes. Below I will list the current status of the credit reports, followed by my plan of attack, and lastly my questions and concerns. Current Credit Status Score: 624 Open Accounts: (I am already aware now that I didn't make the best decisions in opening all of these, so please do not lecture) Account: Capital One Platinum Secured (Partially Secured) Limit: $200 Opened: June 2013 Interest Rate: 22.9% Annual Fee: $29 Rewards: None Lates: None Notes: -------- Account: Fingerhut Limit: $500 Opened: Oct 2013 Interest Rate: 24.9% Annual Fee: $0 Rewards: None Lates: N/A Notes: NEVER USED. Every time I look at things I decide the financing charges and outrageous shipping make it not worth it. -------- Account: Capital One Quicksilver One Limit: $500. (Opened at $300, then giving a $200 CLI with the Credit Steps program) Opened: June 2014 Interest Rate: 0% Introductory rate. 12 months I believe, then probably 22.9% Annual Fee: $39 Rewards: 1.5% Cash Back on everything. Lates: None Notes: -------- Account: Credit One Limit: $500 Opened: Sept 2014 Interest Rate: 19.9% Annual Fee: $45 Rewards: 1% on Gas Lates: None Notes: I will probably call a month before the aniversary and ask to waive the annual fee, increase limit to $1000, or lower interest rate, and if none can be done will close the account. -------- Account: Walmart Credit Card Limit: $400 Opened: Dec 2014 Interest Rate: 22.9% Annual Fee: $0 Rewards: Special Financing Available, 5¢ off of their gas pumps (but we dont have any here) Lates: N/A Notes: Closed Accounts: Account: Capital One Limit: $1000 Opened: Feb 2005 Closed: Mar 2005 Lates: None Notes: Listed as Authorized User. Card Stolen. Collections: CA: Marcam Associates OC: Med1 Spear Memorial Hospital Balance: $919 Opened: July 2013 Closed: ---- Last Reported: Sep 2013 Remarks: Placed for Collection Notes: Unknown ER visit. Showing on: Trans Union only ---------- CA: Marcam Associates OC: Med1 Spear Medical Associates Balance: $252 Opened: April 2013 Closed: --- Last Reported: July 2013 Remarks: Placed for collection Notes: probably a lab fee. Showing on: Trans Union only ---------- CA: Marcam Associates OC: Med1 Spear Medical Associates Balance: $125 Opened: Oct 2012 Closed: --- Last Reported: Jan 2013 Remarks: Placed for collection Notes: He is pretty sure this was for the PT consult when he broke his hand. It was supposed to go to insurance but turns out employer lied about when insurance became active and it was not covered. Showing on: Trans Union only ---------- CA: Marcam Associates OC: Med1 Spear Memorial Hospital Balance: $175 Opened: Jan 2011 Closed: --- Last Reported: April 2011 Remarks: Placed for collection Notes: Unknown ER visit. Showing on: Trans Union only ---------- CA: Marcam Associates OC: Med1 Spear Memorial Hospital Balance: $1,311 Opened: Dec 2010 Closed: --- Last Reported: Feb 2011 Remarks: Placed for collection Notes: Unknown ER visit. Showing on: Trans Union only ---------- CA: Marcam Associates OC: Med1 Spear Memorial Hospital Balance: $175 Opened: Dec 2010 Closed: --- Last Reported: Feb 2011 Remarks: Placed for collection Notes: Unknown ER visit. Possible duplicate of other $175 from same CA and OC? Showing on: Trans Union only ---------- CA: NH/NE Credit OC: New Hampshire Electric Coop Balance: $232 Opened: Mar 2013 Closed: --- Last Reported: April 2013 Remarks: Placed for collection Notes: Electric bill from previous residence. I thought it had been payed off before we moved, but I guess not. Showing on: Trans Union, Equifax, and Experian Plan of Attack (possible changes pending answers to questions and suggestions) Opt-Out Get Credit Reports Remove Old Addresses from Credit Reports. (Waiting on SS card. Somehow he managed 29 years without one. Claimed it was never given to him, but his mom said she doesn't know where it is.) Verify the Medical Debts with Trans Union If VerifiedRequest Validation of Spear Memorial Debt from CA.If it IS VALIDATED:Ask OC if they will take back debt in exchange for Payment Plan. (unless the HIPPA program would work here too as we cannot afford to pay in full)If they ACCEPT:Make sure Marcam Associates collections accounts are removed. If they DO NOT ACCEPT:Ask Marcam Associates to consolidate Spear Memorial debts and set up payment plan. If they do, ensure that the consolidated account is not a "NEW" Collections. (This would ruin our chances of the USDA loan. No new in past 12 months) If it IS NOT VALIDATED:Demand the collections be removed from your credit report. If they are not removed, contact the credit reporting agencies for removal. If NOT verified, accounts should be removed and no further action is needed. Verify the NHEC Debt with Trans Union, Experian, and Equifax. If VerifiedRequest Validation of NHEC Collection from CA. If Validated, pay for Delete. If Not Validated, demand removal. If NOT verified, accounts should be removed and no further action is needed. Questions and Concerns Do I have to remove ALL old addresses and only keep my current address or can I leave one of the old ones that has a positive TL attached? Why exactly do I need to deal with the medical collections first? My initial plan was so get rid of the electric first and then tackle the medical bills, but after reading here everything says medical stuff first. Why validate with the CRA first? Do I do all at once or one at a time? Wouldn't it look suspicious if I disputed every collection on the report? When dealing with the CRA, why do we not want delivery confirmation? What benefit is it to be certified without the confirmation? So, that is what I have so far. Thanks again for all the information provided on this website thus far and thank you in advance for any personal advice you provide regarding my case. ~Amanda
  3. Good afternoon, I have just posted my current situation and plan of attack over in the credit section [HERE]. Being as all but one of my collections is medical, it was suggested that I make a post over here for your advice on the situation. I have read your plan for dealing with medical debt, but being as from what I see, it involves paying the full amount owed, my plan did not include your method. Although I know for many people $3000 isn't much to be able to clean up your report but for us it simply isn't possible, at least not in a lump sum. Since I became unable to work 3 years ago, we are on a single income of less than $20,000 take home. So, hence my plan that if the debt was in fact proved as valid, a relationship exists, etc, etc, I would be looking at a payment plan. Preferably with the OC, but if they will not, then with the CA. Please let me know if you have any suggestions as far as how to deal with these debts. Thank you for your time. ~Amanda
  4. Is there a way to get the CRAs to remove/delete a charge-off from my file if the OC has updated it from a balance owed to $0 and transferred? I have tried to get it updated or deleted and only one CRA has changed it from a charge-off. This is the only neg reporting thing on my report but it's still there and it has cost me nearly 175 points. So, the cliff notes version of my backstory goes a little something like this: I had an account that I chose to close because they wouldn't give me a CLI. I was told I could set-up autopays for the remainder of my account balance until satisfied. About six months later I was applying for a loan to help pay for law school and got declined. I was surprised because my scores were all in the 700's. I discover that this closed line was reporting 120 days late. Im fuming at this point and seeing red. I contact them and they say I haven't made a payment since the account was closed and I proceed to argue with them that's not accurate. I subsequently check the account I set-up drafts from to see all the money still sitting there. I speak with a girl who informs me that I can pay the past due, minus the fees, and then continue paying the account down. I could also request the late fees and such to be removed or credited due to the clear misunderstanding. I pay the nearly $1k and move on. About 10 days later I get a call from a CA that my account was sold to them. All HELL effectively breaks loose. I go through a BS circle of "he said" "she said" on my account and ultimately they refuse to correct their mistakes. The CA is confused because they see the large payment made and don't quite understand what has happened. While I proceed to escalate my complaint to the corporate offices of this bank and promise legal action if the now reporting charge-off isn't removed, the CA tells me they won't report anything on my credit if I want to just pay them the remaining balance. The catch is it has to be in full. So I agree, but it needs to be split up into two payments. About 2 weeks after the first payment goes through, a collection account pops up on my credit reports. Need I say my eyes are once again seeing red?!?! I reach out to the CA and tell them they lied and violated an agreement. I accuse them of fraud and they guy tells me the rep that made the agreement with me "misspoke" but that he would speak with their legal team and see what they could do. I didn't hear back from him for a week and sent them an email which also served as my notice to file suit. They never replied. I blocked their access to my account and reached out to an attorney. After consultation, I proceeded to make good on my notice of filing a federal lawsuit against them for multiple violations, including breach of contract, attempt to defraud and FDCPA. Meanwhile, they continued to bury themselves by leaving vmails, all of which broke the FDCPA each time by not giving the "this is a debt collector and message only for Bld08" elevator speech, prior to leaving the message and two of them they admit to making a mistake by reporting the item and that they were trying to have it removed but that it would not really fix my credit score. My lawsuit is still ongoing, as it was filed in federal court on Sept. 4, 2014.
  5. Hi, all. I've been following CB for a few months now and have made some major cleanups to all my reports thanks to the awesome advice here. Now I have just two baddies in each report, which I'd like to tackle somehow. One is a series of ten 30-day-lates in 2012 and 2013 on my American Honda Finance auto loan, and I've read many people say goodwill letters won't work with them, but here's the situation I feel sure I can clean up somehow, with your advice: I left an apartment in late 2009 to move to another complex from the same owners and ended up owing them $1443 for carpet replacement and leaving the lease early. In 2010, they turned it over to a local collection agency here in Vegas called Sentry Recovery & Collections, whom I've heard are real a-holes. They've tacked on fees bringing my total up to $1627 but have not tried to contact me for quite a while (March 2014 was the last time they updated my credit reports). I'm not completely convinced I should wake a sleeping dragon, but I'd love to see this collection disappear. Should I: A — Try to PFD with the CA for less than I owe? B — Try to pay the apartment complex either in full or a lesser amount *if* they'll clear up my record in whatever tenant tracking system they use AND ask the CA to delete the collection from my reports? C — Something else? Thanks for your help! Cory
  6. Has anyone had an encounters with integrity solution services? Were you able to create an agreement that was favorable for you?
  7. Hi all, I have an account open with Portfolio Recovery Associates from 2012 that I have been disputing and I just noticed it's reporting as a revolving account but says it's collection in the comments with Equifax- is this allowed? The report says I have 0 accounts in collection so I know it's not registering as a collection but I didn't think CA could identify as a revolving account? It's a small amount from Capital One that quite honestly, I don't remember being associated with. They offered me a settlement but I turned it down. I was going to attempt for a PFD but wanted to check if this is grounds for a dispute first. PORTFOLIO RECOVERY A Company/Account Name: PORTFOLIO RECOVERY A Company Address/Phone: Riverside Commerce Center 120 Corporate Blvd Ste 100 Norfolk, VA 235024962 Account Number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Date Opened: 06/20/2014 Last Activity: N/A First Delinquency: 09/2012 Type: Revolving Rate/Status: High Credit: $581 Terms: N/A Balance: $581 Past Due: $581 Most Recent Date Reported: 11/06/2014 Comments on Account: Consumer disputes after resolution, Collection account Thanks all!
  8. I have two collection accts. with Midland. One is for $870 and the other for $940 or so. I have disputed (the original amounts were incorrect) and they came back corrected and verified. Should I attempt PFD? If that's a no-go, should I PIF or just try to settle for a lesser amount. They send me offers every few months to settle for around $540 each. It's another 3 years before they SOL is up and I'd like to get them off/paid before then so I can get my credit back in order.
  9. Hi everyone - sorry if this is the wrong sub forum for this I'm brand new here but was told this was an amazing place with some great people to ask for advice on a topic like this. I own and run a business that is just myself pretty much (no other full time employees but hire full time contractors from time to time). It's an S-corp registered in NV and I also live in NV. About 3 months ago I started getting calls from a collection agency. I never answered but on the VM it was a message saying to call them back pretty much. Ignored it. A week or so after that they sent me a letter about this debt. It was an invoice for ~$2,000 from some company in the Netherlands that I've never heard of. The only thing the invoice really has is an amount I owe and my company name. I don't know what the company does or what they supposedly provided me. Could not find them on Google anywhere. Based on a small amount of Googling I sent them a letter that said, "I dispute this debt, please validate. Do not contact me by phone anymore and only through writing." The collection company didn't really call again for a month or so after that. Starting about 2-3 weeks they call me now anywhere from 1-8 times daily. It's always the same number so I know not to pick up. My friend told me that I can sue them for this and should ask for advice here. So what does everyone suggest I do? Thanks
  10. Good Evening. First, I'd like to say how thankful I am that I found this site. All this time, I've thought the SOL for Tennessee is 7 years. I have been patiently awaiting January 2015 to file a dispute to have 2 medical accounts removed from my CBR. However, I just found out the SOL is actually 6 years in TN. A few years ago, I disputed them a few years ago with the CA and they never responded. I forgot about them until I recently received copies of my reports. Does anyone advise that I go directly to the EQ and TU website to dispute the accounts or is it imperative that I follow the SOL program instructions on this site? The following accounts are being reported to EQ and TU only (the info is the same on each report). Any response will be greatly appreciated. Date Reported: 03/2013 Date Assigned: 12/2009 Creditor Classification: Medical/Health Care Creditor Name: BMH MEMPHIS Accounts Number: 76XXXX Account Owner: Individual Account. Original Amount Owned: $109 Date of 1 st Delinquency: 06/2009 Balance Date: 03/2013 Balance Owned: $109 Last Payment Date : N/A Status Date: 03/2013 Status: D - Unpaid Comments: Medical Date Reported: 03/2013 Date Assigned: 02/2009 Creditor Classification: Medical/Health Care Creditor Name: BMH MEMPHIS Accounts Number: 72XXXX Account Owner: Individual Account. Original Amount Owned: $530 Date of 1 st Delinquency: 09/2008 Balance Date: 03/2013 Balance Owned: $534 Last Payment Date : 11/01/2010 Status Date: 03/2013 Status: D - Unpaid Comments: Medical
  11. I recently did a credit check and noticed that Verizon Wireless has a collection for $145. I called to resolve this and they gave me the number for Diversified Consultants. I called them and told them that I would pay the debt in full if they could remove the collection from my credit report. They proceeded to tell me that they cannot do this since they did not buy the debt from Verizon. They stated that Verizon contracted them to recover the debt. They are saying that I owe $175. The extra amount is for their collection fee. I was wondering if there was any route I could take to have this paid in full and have it deleted off of my credit report? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
  12. Had a collection with Midland pop up for an old Orchard Bank card. Account was outside SOL, sent FOAD letter. Below is the response I received: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear David, The purpose of this letter is to advise you that you did not provide sufficient information to investigate your dispute of the credit reporting of your above-referenced account pursuant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act. We understand you are disputing the accuracy of our records concerning the above referenced account. After reviewing the information you provided, as well our own account notes, and information provided by the previous creditor, we are unable to determine the nature of your dispute, and consequently deny that our records are incorrect. In order to further investigate your dispute, we need additional information to help verify the basis of your dispute. Including a complete explanation of your dispute would be helpful. Further, copies of any documentation you may have to support your dispute. In the interim, we have requested that the three major credit bureaus change the status of this account to “Disputed”. Examples of documentation we need or which would be helpful include the following: Paid in Full or Account Settled: a) a copy of the front and back of payment instrument with copy of settlement offer or statement showing balance and account number; a copy of the paid in full or settlement letter showing account number. Fraud or Identity Theft: a) a copy of a police report; Federal Trade Commission Fraud Affadavit that has been filled out (which can be obtained at www.ftc.gov/idtheft); or c) notarized fraud affidavit. Balance Discrepancy: a) copy of contract that states rates for time frame of disputed service; a copy of bills or statements that show amount owed or rates; c) a more detailed explanation of disputed charges. In the meantime, as requested by you, we will no longer be contacting you regarding this account by phone or mail unless it is to further respond to a dispute by you under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. The account may still be reported on your credit report as unpaid. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ So at this point, not sure what to do next. In the past, if one of these pesky ghosts popped up, a good slap always sent them scurrying back into the gutter. This time, Midland did as they said, and updated the listing with the three CRAs. Any suggestions? Thanks, Dave
  13. Hi everyone. I had a score of 727 and after a Verizon FIOS bill went to collection I dropped to 642. The bill in question was from 2.5 yrs ago. I had to walk away from my home but I did pay wells fargo $32,000 cash t relieve a $130,000 debt on a second so my credit score did not take a huge hit. When I walked away from the house I called Verizon and cancelled my account and asked them to send boxes for the three cable boxes including one DVR. They never sent the boxes and I received no bill for almost a year. The first bill was about a $1000. I must admit I ignored the bill. Now the bill has gone to collections and it has inflated to over $6000. My fault in this is that I never sent the cable boxes and they have been lost in 2 subsequent moves. I ignored the bills which was simply stupid on my part. I have not engaged with any conversation with the collection agency or Verizon. Now, 2.5yrs later it has gone to my credit report and dropped me from 727 to 642 in Experian. I am willing and financially able to pay a reasonable bill but I'm I don't know the best way to go about that. I also would like to do it in a way that helps my credit score. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, Thank you, George
  14. I called Van Ru to schedule repayment. They had previously sent me documentation regarding my debt, but I missed placed it. Everything was going well until they asked for a "good faith" payment. Actually he called it an "involuntary" payment. He told me I wouldn't be able to receive any more documentation or begin the rehabilitation unless I submitted a payment. Thanks to CB I knew there was no legal obligation to pay so I told him that. He agreed and sent me to his SMOOTH talking manager. (I mean like butter) These professionals are so hypnotic. He gave me the run around with all this pseudo-legal mumbo-jumbo and "almost" accusations (very very subtle, so smooth) that was just effective enough to erode my confidence to stop pressing as adamantly as I had initially started. He agreed that I was not obligated but somehow got me to agree to receive an email as a "meet in the middle" and got off the phone with me. So, all I want is them to send me the paperwork to verify my income and read the agreement in writing before I pay. I know paying "good faith" would expedite this process and the payment is low, I mean really, really, low but it's the principle of it. I don't want to be pushed around by CA's. This is the beginning of my journey to fix my credit so I see this as a practice run. Am I correct about the good faith payment? Any suggestions about dealing with smooth talking CA's? I'm not a d**k and I don't want to be one. I just don't want to do what I don't have to do. Simple. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks. I'm calling the ombudsman to verify this as well. Dunno if thats the right person to call. Guess I'll find out.
  15. Today I received a letter from Allied trying to collect on a student loan original amount $5000. I know there isn't a SOL on student loans. However, they mentioned if it is not resolved, they can do 1. Wage Garnishment by ED 2. Fed tax refund to ED 3. Negative reporting MAY be posted by ED. They provided a 2 line very generic original amount, interest and collection fees. totaling $19,000. Here is a background: Another collection agency during the past 24 years including ED tried to collect this, they have put it on the credit report various time. It has all disappeared many years back from credit report. In the past I disputed them with another collection agency and after repeated attempt they provided me document which showed I went to University in TEXAS, I have never set a foot on the campus nor enrolled in any classes. However, it maybe for another university, and they cant produce the document. Can they report this on my credit report? I read from nolo law they can report it for 7 or 10 years, is this correct? Please help, I have worked very hard to clean my credit and now this. Thank you in advance.
  16. First, I would like to thank everyone here for sharing your wealth of information. I just signed up a few days ago and have been lurking for about 2 weeks. A little about me. I walked away from everything approximately 6 years ago in order to leave an abusive relationship. I had a house, a car, a few credit cards and a few other outstanding bills. I knew my credit was going to be trashed, but I didn't much care. I have essentially been living without any credit since then. A few weeks ago, I decided to try and rebuild my credit and that is how I ended up here. I have been reading the newbie section and I will admit that I am overwhelmed. I have started by trying to delete my old addresses and by opting out. I am content to let most of my old debt fall off of my report. No one is trying to actively collect from me at the moment and I can easily wait as things will start dropping by this coming March (2015) and most should be off by July (2015). I do have a Midland collection that I am confused about how to proceed. It is scheduled to fall off in November of 2016. The original debtor was TMobile and the amount is $357. The statue of limitations for open ended accounts in my state is 3 years. But for written contracts is 10 years. I can't find clear information about how my TMobile account is classified. Any ideas about how to handle this? Should I ignore it and wait for it to fall off? Should I make an attempt to get it off of my report? I can't tell if this is still within the SOL or if I am safe from that now. I was hoping to have my credit cleaned up enough by mid 2015 to purchase a small starter home for me and my kids. The only report I have pulled so far is Experian. Credit Karma says I have a score of 580 and that is with the record of a foreclosed home, repossessed vehicle and several charged off credit cards and utilities. I hope that I am posting this in the right place and that you will offer some advise as what the best course of action might be.
  17. Hello, yall. I have a few questions that I cannot solve for long time about collections. I had two collections from my apartments; one was already paid through collection agency, but the other one is a mess. I have rented this apartment for 12 months, but moved out around 7 months after and sub-leased to my friend. However, I checked my credit report and saw a collection that I believe that he didn't pay the last month or something else. That means I didn't get any paper to prove that this debt is real or mine. I cannot contact to him anymore. This collection is posted about 2 years ago, but still not updated yet. Collection agency is Residential Data Collect, and I don't know their phone number. So, I thought that I just leave it for 7 years to get rid this record. Another problem is that I told you that I already paid my collection for the other apartment, but still has a record on my credit report, even thought it is closed. Does it have to stay there for 7 years to delete or do I need to call the collection agency for deleting? I paid it last year. I am so newbie in this area, so please give me some advices. Thanks. Sincerely,
  18. I just got a collection notice for a water bill. (I moved recently and this appears to be the closing bill - I thought it had been paid but I apparently missed it in the move - grr.) The CA has not yet reported this to the CRAs' - and I really want to prevent that from happening. One thought I had was to write essentially a preemptive PFD ("I agree to pay if you agree to not report") and just pay it off but I'm not sure this is the best approach. What would you guys recommend I do to keep this off my credit reports?
  19. Hey Everyone, Like a lot of people I have seen on Credit Boards, i am making my own thread to document my own journey, and hopefully receive some excellent advice from all these fine people on the board. I have made multiple threads, mostly in the Canadian section, in regards to questions that pop up, but i will try to ask them here, and hopefully someone will be kind enough to reply. (there is absolutely no action in the Canadian section!) So I began my journey to repair my HORRENDOUS credit at the beginning of july by ordering hard copies of my report. (Canada only has TU and EQ). My starting score was 483. (I KNOW ). On Equifax I have the Following: 2 Charge off CC's combined worth less than $2k, (OC only reporting, but 3rd party CA trying to collect.) 1 Collection $3,723.00 (Negotiated PFD, paid but Equifax being very sticky about removing it after 3 contacts from myself and CA) Numerous 60,90 day lates on Student Loan On Transunion I have the Following: 2 Charge Off CC's (Same as Equifax reporting) 1 Collection $231 (Not mine, have disputed Aug 7,2014) Numerous 60,90 Day lates on Student Loan For the last 2 months I have been removing all old addresses associated with the CO's (One is still in investigation by TU). I Have also been trying to get my Alias removed on both files since i legally changed the spelling of my first name. I was hoping this would help my quest in disputing the CO's when i get to them soon. I have paid one collection and am fighting to actually get it removed, after multiple attempts by the CA and myself, EQ keeps claiming they have not recieved anything. I have signed up for credit monitoring and have also been approved for a secured card which i will put a $500 deposit with People's Trust. I have been added as an AU to my SO's CAP1 credit card, but in Canada its much harder for them to report (but im crossing my fingers they will. Cap1 says they give the info to the bureaus and it's up to them to report it or not?) I am in the process of Rehabing my student loan. Right now i have to be patient and wait for investigations to close and things to be removed, but it is SO HARD. Could I be doing something else in the mean time?
  20. As some of you, I have achieved tremendous amount of success here from help of many. I cant thank them enough. Now, my FICO is at 795 and no baddies. I have 2 leaches (CA) chasing me. #1 problem stands is with RPM, I owed Tmobile, due to ETF, and handset partial subsidy and they shut off my phone and continue to add monthly charges while they shut off my monthly services. CA says the balance is $3200. I get a call from RPM, and with usual blah blah, intimidation, rudeness... I kept my cool and welcomed her call, and was very polite, she got more upset because I was not rattled up by the skank. I asked her to mail me a letter, she kept saying "I am going to note the account no payment made" I kept saying mail me a letter, she responded "The letter was mailed beginning of the month". I received a letter a day after I spoke to her, and it was dated a day earlier than her call. -I have written DV letter, should I mail (certif and RR) it right away or wait a week before my 30 days respond time? -They have not reported to CRA and she made sure to point this out to me. - The Debt is approx. 2 years old. I am bit confused Federal guideline I read SOL is 2 years for TELECOMMUNICATION, and state is 6 Years. I have read most likely 6 years will apply. - Do you think they bought the debt.? - Also the address issue they wrote wrong Unit number on their letter, somehow I did receive it. - I dont want this on my report, I will try to settle, and get a letter from them before paying they will not report to CRA, sell unpaid portion to other, or sue me. -What amount do you think they will settle for? #2 It is 12 years old debt, and another CA is trying to settle for 10%, I will DV them and send FOAD letter. They important thing was he kept saying "Are you denying this debt" repeatedly, I said I am not denying anything since I dont have a letter, send me a letter dont call me and all further communication via mail. Immediately, I get 2 mail from them on the same day. Letter 1 asking for full amount on 12 years CC debt, and 2nd letter offering 10%. Thank you for reading this and helping us out.
  21. A friend of mine has one baddie and only on TransUnion, a small collection account: GILA CORPORATION #xxxxxxxxx00000000000000000**** 8325 TUSCANY WAY BUILDING 4 AUSTIN, TX 787543614 (800) 568-7004 x3208 Placed for Collection: 10/21/2010 Responsibility: Individual Account Account Type: Open Account Loan Type: COLLECTION AGENCY/ATTORNEY Balance: $0 Date Updated: 10/08/2013 Last Payment Made: 09/09/2013 Original Amount: $198 Original Creditor: HAWAII 1ST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Pay Status: >Account Paid in Full; was a Collection< Date Closed: 09/09/2013 Date Paid: 09/09/2013 Remarks: >PAID COLLECTION< Estimated month and year that this item will be removed: 05/2016 Any suggestions of best plan of attack? This has never been disputed. Would it make sense to start with Gila and offer to pay more fees to get this off? Unfortunately, they just paid it when they got notice of the account even though they thought it was not valid, but thought it was easier to pay them off to make them go away.
  22. I have a couple collections and i have called them to get a paid for delete which they wouldn't. i know i should've sent letters first but this is before i knew that. I also asked them to validate the debt and they have also done that to. I have the money to pay them, but my question is do I do a paid in full or a settle. Also if i settle can i ask them to mark it as paid in full. Should i ask them for a letter first. or i heard from some that there was paid in satisfactory. last question is i have been seeing a lot of these things on forums and youtube about a letter you can send them and they will remove the collections like magic. I'm sorry for all the questions I'm in a little rush to get this all fixed.
  23. Hello and thank you in advance, I entered into an agreement with Accelerated Financial to repay a debt. The agreement was for $100 a month to be taken out of my bank account on the 13th of each month. This started in September of 2013 and I was told that they would send me a letter stating this agreement. I never received the letter and I noticed that they had been taking the money out of my bank earlier every month until I called them in march of 2014 to ask why I had not received my letter and why they are taking money out early. I did receive a letter via email that day, but they changed the due date to the 28th of the month and took another payment from my bank which made 2 payments in March. They have taken the money out earlier every month since and have collected 13 payments when it should be only 11. So I would like to know what if anything I can do to get them to stop taking money earlier every month.
  24. I received a response to my DV from IC System Inc stating that they are unable to locate my account. They are asking for account and reference numbers, my full name, the oc, etc. I have no correspondence or anything from them. The only info I have was from my CR which I provided. I know that the collection is from Kindercare but I do not believe I owe them anything. Either way if anything was owed, I would not be responsible for payment but my husband would. I originally disputed this bill with Kindercare when they informed me months after I had already taken my kids out of their daycare. How do I respond to this letter?
  25. Hi All- New at this. Had a very small collection account with them. I contacted them and agreed to a PFD. I didn't get it in writing- FEELING LIKE AN salamander. I followed up with them as soon as the cc payment cleared. They said they would delete it immediately. They have not deleted it. The collection account is still reporting to the bureaus. I've already contacted the BBB and the State of Florida's Office of Financial regulations because of the bait and switch tactics and their retaliation for calling for accountability. But the issue is still on my credit. What do you suggest? I haven't heard back from either org yet other than they received the complaints. Do you have any other suggestions? Thank you in advance.
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