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  1. Hello, I have an OC charge-off that is reporting like this: Account History: Charge Off as of Oct 2014, Sep 2014, Aug 2014, Jul 2014, Jun 2014, May 2014, Apr 2014, Mar 2014, Feb 2014, Jan 2014, Dec 2013, Nov 2013, Oct 2013, Sep 2013, Aug 2013, Jul 2013, Jun 2013, May 2013 120 days past due as of May 2013 90 days past due as of Apr 2013 60 days past due as of Mar 2013 30 days past due as of Feb 2013 QUESTION: Does that fact that it keeps reporting as "charge off as of....every stinking current month" hurt me worse than if it just reported like my other charge-offs which report like this (with only the initial charge-off date reporting)???: Account History: Charge Off as of May 2013 150 days past due as of Apr 2013 90 days past due as of Mar 2013 60 days past due as of Feb 2013 30 days past due as of Jan 2013 Thanks for your input!
  2. I disputed a collection agency tradeline with Experian. I included the last four of my SSN, a copy of the credit report, my driver's license and a utility bill. Experian responds: "We were unable to process one of more of your requests to dispute information on your personal credit report because you did not provide your Social Security number. Please write to us and provide: a) full name previous addresses for past two years c) Social Security number d) date of birth e) one copy of a govt issued id card f) one copy of a utility bill..." I called Lexington Law to ask about their services. They told me they *do not* need a copy of my SSN card, Driver's License or utility bill. How can they repair my credit without that info? Wouldn't Experian ask Lexington Law for the same info?
  3. Last month I disputed 4 old student loans that were sold in rehabilitation several years ago. The date of last payment is 10/2006 and DOLA is 12/2006, so I disputed them as obsolete and asked that they be removed. Experian didn't remove the loans but all late payment notations disappeared and the loan now shows as "Paid, closed, never late" and that it will stay there until 12/2017, so I'm very happy with that result. Still waiting on TU, but I got the EQ result today and they seem to have verified the wrong thing. Their response is "This creditor/agency has verified to OUR company that the date of last activity is being reported correctly. Additional information has been provided from the original source regarding this item. If you have additional questions about this item please contact: [creditor's address]." I didn't dispute the DOLA, which is what they verified. My dispute said that because the DOLA was 7 years ago, they should remove the listing as obsolete. Should I re-dispute? Suggestions on how to word it? Thanks in advance.
  4. I recently disputed with all 3 CRAs a TL for Midland Funding on an old HSBC charge off. The DOFD was 9/06. The drop off date varied by report from June, 2013 (EX) to July, 2013 (TU) to September, 2013 (EQ). The account has already been removed from Experian from where I disputed it online. Yesterday I received a letter from MCM that I copied below. My initial thought is to just ignore it being that it is well past SC SOL of 3 years and almost to the 7 year mark as well. Is there something else I need to do, or should do, to protect myself, like sending something similar to WhyChat's SOL letter and include a C&D? Dear FRUSTRATED13, The purpose of this letter is to request your assistance so that we may reach a quick resolution to your dispute. As part of our investigation of your dispute, it would be helpful to have a copy of any documentation you may have that supports your dispute. In the interim, we have requested that the three major consumer credit reporting agencies change the status of this accout to "Disputed."* Examples of such documentation include the following: 1. Paid in Full or Account Settled: Proof of payment, for example: a) copy of front and back of payment instrument with copy of settlement offer or statement showing balance, copy of paid in full or settled in full letter, or c) other document showing balance has been fully satisfied. 2. Fraud: a) copy of police report, Federal Trade Commission fraud affidavit (which can be obtained at www.ftc.gov/idtheft), or c) notarized fraud affidavit. 3. Balance Discrepancy: a) copy of contract that states rates for timeframe of disputed service, ( copy of bill that shows amount owed or rates, or © more detailed explanation of charges. 4. Death of Consumer Owing the Debt: copy of the certified Deah Certificate. Please mail any doucmentation you may have to support your claim to: Attention: Consumer Support Services P.O. Box 939069 San Diego, CA 92193 We can be reached at (800) 825-831 ext. 32980 should you have any further questions. Sincerely, Consumer Support Services *Your credit report will not be updated if the federal reporting period has expired. Please understand this communication is from a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information will be used for that purpose. Calls to and/or from this company may be monitored or recorded. MAIL CORRESPONDENCE BUT NO PAYMENTS TO: MCM's business address at 8875 Aero Drive, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92123
  5. I sent the first Pre-Hippa dispute letter (per the guidelines) to EQ, which is the only CRA reporting the collection, they sent back a letter saying the account # is no longer on my file. After looking at the letter and using the backdoor it turns out they used the number from certified mail tracking slip instead of the actual account number. I typed the letter verbatim (with my info of course) and this is where they go the number from, assuming... "I am sending this dispute certified mail # xxxx to make sure you receive it" They should have used the info from this line "I have no knowledge or records of the following account(s) on my report # xxxxx. # xxxxx from xxxxxx" Not sure how to proceed now?? WhyChat your expertise is greatly needed and appreciated!!!
  6. Hello, This board is absolutely awesome and thanks to everyone for all of your help! I was wondering if all CRA disputes sent by mail should be done without ID, utility bill proof initially OR just when using WhyChat's wonderful medical collections disputes? Thanks!
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