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Found 12 results

  1. If you think you have made a B* Discovery, keep it quiet, because backdoors are often slammed shut once the "secret" gets out. PM one of the Scroll Keepers, and they can tell you if your discovery is already in the Scroll. If not, and it's a good one, you'll be granted a BI Title. Then you'll be in charge of who gets to know the new B* trick. Happy Hunting! * = Keeper of the Scroll Scroll Keepers: *Bump Influence IV = foeplay *Bump Influence Scroll Keeper II = qwerty4 *Bump Influence Scroll Keeper III = Bad Debt King *Bump Influence Scroll Keeper = Occam Bump Influence = BobWang Bump Influence II = CIO Bump Influence III = markca *Bump Influence IV = foeplay Bump Influence V = jds Bump Influence VI = BW1216 *Bump Influence Scroll Keeper II = qwerty4 Bump Influence VIII = Repairerer *Bump Influence Scroll Keeper III = Bad Debt King Bump Influence X = creditmonitor2010 Bump Influence XI = skorin_up Bump Influence XI.I = nagetech Bump Influence XIII = torigirl Bump Influence XIV = Menta33 *Bump Influence Scroll Keeper = Occam Bump Influence XVI = treefrogger Bump Influence XVII = beedix Bump Influence XVIII = Witz Bump Influence XIX = somekindofhappiness Bump Influence XX = Android01 Bump Influence XXI = Conflictxnj Bump Influence XXII = spigot Bump Influence XXIII = fusioncredit Bump Influence XXIV = kayvebear Bump Influence XXV = johnnyderp Bump Influence XXVI = BananaTheDog Bump Influence XXVII = john23213 Bump Influence XXVIII = emoticon Bump Influence XXIX = Killi Bump Influence XXX = LustfortheMoment (Honorary) Bump Influence XXXI = selfmadetool (DisHonorable Mention) Bump Influence XXXII = road2freedom Bump Influence XXXIII = iWhat Bump Influence Xxxiv = bdp02 Bump Influence XXXV = kfupanda Bump Influence XXXVI = FicoChampion Bump Influence XXXVII = gsxraddict Bump Influence XXXVIII = nlocker Bump Influence XXXIX = muss08 Bump Influence XL = ctb89 Bump Influence XLI = Duck Bills Bump Influence XLII = junkyour925 Bump Influence XLIII = 750orDie Bump Influence XLIV = vgirl17 Bump Influence XLV = tifozi Bump Influence XLVI = TeachMeMaster Bump Influence XLVII = EnC_Plus3 BI Grasshopper I = FicoChampion (Graduated) BI Grasshopper II = ctb89 (Graduated) BI Grasshopper III = jpace7 BI Grasshopper IV = HowsThatWorkin BI Grasshopper V = muss08 (Graduated) BI Grasshopper VI = vgirl17 (Graduated) () = (Withdrawn) BI Grasshopper VIII = tifozi (Graduated) BI Grasshopper IX = junkyour925 (Graduated) BI Grasshopper X = cheafie
  2. Hey everyone. I hope everyone has a great holiday. Does the Experian Credit Expert program work for bumpage? Let me know. Many blessings for you and your families.
  3. I just needed to ask a question for clarification. In all my reading I see that is is advised to avoid Backdoor and Disputes while involved in B*. Now I would think from a technical standpoint that an additional SP would assist in your journey of B*, though I don't know what a dispute would do and for that matter what an additional SP does during B* via BD, please advise. Thnaks
  4. ...before anyone says "read the 300 page thread" I ALREADY HAVE and I get the process. I just need a straightforward answer to my question -- "yes" or "no." Thanks.
  5. hello everyone , I'm new here , after reading on this forum as a guest I want to join and to introduce my self and my report my question is how long do you think I will start get b* on my EQ base on this report form today? I pull daily with MPM , SCP , TUP , ECP. and I have also pulls form CK. I don't how to find my TU soft , after reading here still can't find. :-/ Inquiries that may impact your credit rating: AMERICAN EXPRESS TRS CO, INC 03/08/14, 09/24/13, 09/16/13, 08/21/13 CAPITAL ONE BANK USA NA 09/16/13 Comenity Bank/ANNTYLR 09/11/13 DISCOVER FINANCIAL SERVICE 03/12/14 DSRM NATIONAL BANK 08/27/13 FINGERHUT/WEBBANK 03/13/14 STERLING 03/21/14 TD/BANKUSA/TARGET CREDIT 07/25/13 WELLS FARGO BANK 05/23/13, 05/21/13 Inquiries that do not impact your credit rating: AR-CAPITAL ONE 03/17/14 CONSUMERINFO 05/24/13 CONSUMERINFO.COM 03/07/14 PRM ONL-Comenity Bank/BRYLNHME 03/22/14 PRM ONL-Comenity Bank/BUCKLE 03/22/14 PRM ONL-COMENITYBANK/COLDWATER CREEK 03/22/14 PRM ONL-Comenity Bank/EXPRESS 03/21/14 PRM ONL-COMENITY BANK/JCREWINC 03/21/14 PRM ONL-COMENITY BANK/JSSCLNDN 03/22/14 PRM ONL-Comenity Bank/KINGSIZE 03/22/14 PRM ONL-COMENITY BANK/LOFT 03/22/14 PRM ONL-Comenity Bank/ONESTPLS 03/21/14 PRM ONL-COMENITY BANK/ROAMANS 03/22/14 PRM ONL-Comenity Bank/WOMNWTHN 03/22/14 PRM ONL-COMENITY CAPITAL/BLAIR 03/22/14 PRM ONL-COMENITYCAPITAL/GOLDVIOLIN 03/28/14 PRM ONL-COMENITYCAPITAL/SOLUTIONS 03/28/14 AR-CONSUMERINFO.COM 08/20/13 EQUIFAX 02/12/14, 01/20/14, 09/22/13 Equifax Consumer Services 04/05/14 ND-Equifax Consumer Services 04/09/14 ND-Equifax Consumer Services 04/08/14 ND-Equifax Consumer Services 04/05/14 ND-Equifax Consumer Services 04/05/14 ND-Equifax Consumer Services 04/05/14 EXPERIAN RPTS 05/23/13 FINGERHUT 03/13/14 QUIZZLE, LLC 04/04/14 QUIZZLE, LLC. 04/04/14 TRUECREDIT/COVERDELL MY 03/28/14 TRUECREDIT/VERTRUE 04/08/14, 04/07/14, 04/06/14, 04/05/14, 04/04/14, 04/02/14, 04/01/14, 03/30/14, 03/29/14, 03/27/14 AR-WELLS FARGO BANK NA 05/21/13 THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP
  6. Im working on my B* primarily on EQ, I have been monitoring with USAA and Equifax Complete Advantage for a while and it shows soft inquiries all the way back to late 2012, how do I know if I've been chopped? Bit new to the B* Spent the last 8 months clearing up my credit and now all that is left is one 7 year old minor charge off thats paid in full and a plethera of inquiries due to having fought to remove all the negatives on my credit...please advise oh gurus of the credit world
  7. I thought this might be hepful to those searching for other credit monitoring services besides MPM, SCP, etc. This spreadsheet provides you with all the info regarding credit scores, reporting bureaus, etc in addition to the options of reading the full review for each service and offers to direct links to the official site that provide you with a discounted rate for going through the links provided ( under each provider name). With so much discussion with members trying to find other options, I thought i'd share my find. http://www.nextadvisor.com/credit_report_monitoring/compare.php?h1=4&a=2&kw=gcrmb1+credit%20monitoring+ntwk+g+dvce+c&gclid=CLWYtqCL0bgCFelAMgod3msAJQ Good luck on whatever your new conquest may be!
  8. Hi Creditboards, so I have been using the SmartCredit daily pulls, and have supposedly "bumped" all my inquires off my Transunion report. SmartCredit says there are no inquiries. Well to my shock when I applied for a new credit card, one of the denial reasons was too many inquiries. I checked my actual Transunion report from Transunion and saw that I had 10 inquiries dating back to 2012 What happened? The report shows all my "account review inquiries" or softs. So basically it looks like SmartCredit thinks I bumped, but my report says otherwise, and I actually have no inquiries that have been bumped and have been wasting my time with SmartCredit. On another note, I reviewed my Equifax Report and it appears that I have had my B* working on that one. So please let me know what happened CreditBoards, and let me know if I'm screwed, if I'm reading the report wrong or anything else that I should know. Thanks
  9. I have had both MPM and SmartCredit for 3 months and have yet to achieve TU bumpage. Although I don't pull both daily, I alternate each daily which by my count gives me more than enough pulls over 3 months to reach the magic number. What am I doing wrong? (I never check backdoor if that matters.) Also, since I've not seen TU B*, you know I've never seen EQ B*!!
  10. I have read all the threads for TU B* and I think I completely understand the use of all the programs... but everything I have read says that you can't use Trans Union Credit Monitoring for B*... is this the consensus of everyone on this board? The reason I ask this is that I am seeing B* after pulling Trans Union CM.. which is a cheaper option then TUP. I just pulled MPM and went from 5 inquires before I pulled down to 4.... then I logged into TU/CM and went from 4 inquires down to 3... any thoughts or am I just seeing things or am I completely lost on how B* works???
  11. Does Transunion Total(TUT) work for TU Bumpage(B*)? I find Transunion Plus(TUP) is pretty expensive.
  12. Hi all, I have a question on TU B* order. I have successfully bump off all inqs. I just apply some new cards today. My question is, how long should I expect to wait until the new inquiries go away? Do I need to wait about 66 days until all the soft inquiries go away before any of the new hard inquiry go away? Thanks!
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