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  1. I’ve been getting ready to do some CLI’s and such, and have been compiling information on BofA - jotting down my own personal dealings (not feelings), combing through threads, sending PM’s, making phone calls to BofA CSR’s and having others try things in their phone dealings as well (thanks Uber). I started to put together a repository of sorts and figured what the hell, I’ll just post it for everyone- present and future. Hopefully this can be a wiki-type post and people can add to or correct any of the below info. This is an objective post, not subjective. I didn’t put this together as a “reason I <3 BofA” post, nor for someone to list a bad CSR experience. I also understand that in 2008-2010 BofA balance chased individuals. I cannot find any widespread evidence of that recently (within 4 years) happening. So please try to keep this as a what you can/can’t do post and leave feelings out of it. Perhaps some info on how BofA treats BK's (how long since discharge is required for secured, how long since discharge is required for unsecured), how BofA treats people who burned them (do they blacklist) etc could be added. Applications BofA, Fidelity and Merrill all use the same underwriting and analyst departments. According to the credit pulls database, BofA products pull from various CRA’s, even in the same state. You can have multiple BofA products with little problem. If you already have any BofA/Fidelity/Merrill product and would like to apply for another product, you might want to do the application by phone. BofA is notorious for taking credit line from one product in order to give you another product. You cannot apply for two products with the same hard pull. CLI’s While Bob’s “Master Issuers who give Auto CLI’s” does list BofA and I have found several other examples, on the whole they do not appear to be common. A CLI will more than likely require a request. Some people get hard inquiries, some people get soft inquiries. So expect a hard. Requested CLI’s have been granted in as little as 60 days since opening a trade line. Requested CLI’s have been granted in as little as 60 days since the last CLI. If you have more than one BofA/Fidelity/Merrill product and would like to request a CLI, you might want to do the request by phone. BofA is notorious for taking credit line from one product in order to increase your credit line on another product. You cannot request CLI’s for two or more products on the same hard pull. You cannot combine a new application for one product and a CLI for another existing product on the same hard pull. Doesn’t matter which one you try first. Maybe you get lucky and the CRA combines the pulls, but that is luck and not the doing of BofA. With supporting income, BofA cards can have extremely high individual limits. I have seen reports of $100K.
  2. Hello, I already had one $5000 Cash Rewards Visa with BofA and a $300 limit Signature Visa as well. The $300 Visa was open since 2007. The $5000 limit one has been open since 2011. I also have a $2500 Amazon store card since about 2011 and a Capital One Quicksilver Visa with an $800 limit, and a Capital One Platinum MasterCard with a $700 limit. Have had both of those since 2010. The $5000 BofA Cash Rewards card, Amazon Store Card, and both Capital One cards have all been as the limit since last summer. I never had any late payments. I have had my checking account with BofA since 2007. I also have a business account with BofA. No Money Market amounts or anything like that with them. My Experian score is 726 (That's who they pulled) I was in the branch on Monday and the teller said I had a Credit Card offer. So I sat down with the representative, and had him put in an application for another Cash Rewards Visa with a $5000 limit. That was instantly approved and I got the credit card in the mail yesterday. So today I'm at work and decide to call in and do a balance transfer from my other cards to my new card. While I'm talking to the CSR I ask if he thinks I can get a CLI to 10 or 15 grand. He said he thinks I can and maybe they won't even do another inquiry since I just got this card yesterday. I said ok go for it. 15 grand. He doesn't get an immediate answer back and says I should hear something in the next 3 days. This was around 1PM today. I check my account at 4 and I see my limit is up to $15000 on my new card. Wooo hooo! The CSR also said that I can get a cash advance for up to my maximum credit line at 0% until April of 2016. Fees are 3%. He already had approved me for $4800 (Since my initial credit limit on the new card was only $5000) but said once I get my CLI just call him back and he can give me more. I'll be calling him Friday! Lol I'm gonna put all my other card balances on here so I can get the 0%. They'll be paid off well before then.
  3. I'm trying to help a friend with an Auto Loan that was at Bank of America that is now paid off. BofA is reporting 30 days late Aug 2011, 30 days late Dec 2012, and 60 days late Jan 2013. I am looking at the Metro 2 — 2012 Credit Reporting Resource Guide to understand how and when 30-day and 60-day lates are to be properly reported. In there I read: They then give an example of a payment due on January 15th and how it should report on the first of each month: January 1st: 0-29 days late (code 11) - no payments past due February 1st: 0-29 days late (code 11) - one payment past due March 1st: 30-59 days late (code 71) - two payments past due April 1st: 60-89 days late (code 78) - three payments past due This BofA loan appears to have a due date of the 1st of each month and a 5% late payment charged on the 12th of each month (unless that is a holiday or weekend, then next business day). The Metro 2 guide states later: Later I see this section on Date of First Delinquency: None of the CRAs show a Date of First Delinquency for this account, the field only appears on Equifax and is blank there, no mention of DOFD on any other CR for this tradeline. After analyzing the report supplied of the complete payment history on the account, this is what I find: The due date appears to have been the 1st of each month. A late charge of 5% is charged on the 12th of each month if payment not received by close of business on that business day. I don't know what day of month Chase reports to the credit bureaus, but I am assuming it is the first of each month, but perhaps it is last day of the month? How can I find this out? Account was 30 days late on August 31, 2011 Account was 30 days late on October 1, 2011 Account was 30 days late on December 31, 2012 Account was 60 days late on January 30, 2012 Only if BofA reports on the very last day of each month would their reporting be accurate if the due date is actually the 1st of each month. How can I know for certain what day of the month BofA reports to the credit bureaus? How can I find out for certain what day of the month payments were due and what their late payment charge policy is? Should I ask BofA to produce a signed contract for the loan? So far they've only provided a computer printout of the payment history.
  4. I'm helping a friend with their credit report that includes an auto loan from Bank of America that shows a 30 day late from 2011 as well as a 30 day and 60 day from 2012. He has proof that he was not 30 days late in 2011 in the form of a cancelled check that he sent early for the month in question. He submitted a copy of the check in disputes about the 30 day late from 2011 to TransUnion and Equifax so far. After hearing back from TransUnion, he sent a 623 letter to BofA stating: Their response was underwhelming and dated the same day their received my letter: I also submitted a CPFB complaint: To which I received the response: To which I responded: I'm planning to send a second letter to BofA that basically says how could you conduct an investigation in a single day and what possible grounds do you have to say you are reporting correctly when I supplied proof that I made my Month 2011 payment? Additionally I will include Equifax in the letter this time since I've heard back from Equifax now. Any suggestions?
  5. I know there are a lot of you who have either 1 or more of these cards. I believe that basically, from what I can read, they all tie in to BofA. So to my understanding, they are all underwritten by BofA, correct? Also, I realize that they all have their different benefits, but can anyone chime in on which may be a "better" choice to apply for? I don't see where there is a banking/investment account requirement for the Merill+, is that correct? Thanks CBers!
  6. I received my Bank of America travel rewards card on Monday, called Tuesday for a CLI from 2500 to 5000, approved. Called today and asked to get bumped to 7500, put on hold for a few minutes, asked some income and employment info, approved. Bank OF America is awesome seems they are very generous with CLI's 2 in 2 days and just got the card Monday.
  7. Hi, wondering if anyone has a Current B of A Recon phone #. I have tried the ones here and have had NO LUCK! DW just got denied for a Better Balance Rewards Card after a $9k CLI on Plat Plus. Hoping to take advantage of the this, since it was a Pre Qual Offer. Thanks
  8. Well after trying to freeze my EX report online I finally broke down and called them. Only took a couple of minutes but I just despise talking on the phone to "credit people". Maybe not "credit people" but it just amps my blood pressure up, LOL. Anyway, after I got my EXP frozen I applied online for a Bank of America credit limit increase. Had it over a year in June of 2013 and they started me off at $10,000. I left the amount I wanted out an applied, but it came back stating I had to put an amount in the CLI box so I put $25K. Came back with it increased to $18,000. I'll take that. Then called into USAA (they have always been super nice btw) and asked for an increase on my AMEX CASH card that they issued me at $13,000. I also had a Visa with them that was at $3,000 that I never use, but they said they would have to pull 2 reports seeing that one was AMEX and one was Visa. So I opted for the AMEX increase. Came back doubled to $26,000. HAPPY, I'll take that too. Then went to my PNC which is my main bank besides NAVY. Started at $10,800 and they raised me to $25,000. I'm happy with that also. Decided to try CHASE which was about 20 months old. Started at $12,000 and asked for $25,000. Had to call in for that one and the lady said that a underwriter had to look at it and I would be getting a letter in 7-10 days. BUMMER...............My CLI high was shot down So I said WTH and applied online for a CLI on my USAA Visa at $3,000 and it came back approved for $9,000 So I can go to bed HAPPY and content that I'm still in Garden mode with CLI's of $41,200.
  9. Just wondering if anyone has ever app'd with BofA and had it take the full 30 days that they say it may take. Just app'd with them on the 1st day of the app spree for DW (8/30) and they still say it is under review. Wondering if she should call and try talking to the UW dept, any suggestions? Thanks, BD
  10. I have been working on my credit for 2 years to re-establish after a BK which is 8 years old. I have been following your suggestions as of joining the board but I have made some mistakes before by getting toy limits. All 3 of the cc reports are clean with the exception of the BK. Income: $110K Credit Utilization under 30% Scores: Equifax: 652, Experian: 703 TransUnion: 705 (from myFico as of 06/14/2014) Cards/Limits: Barclay's: $1,800 Capital One: $5,750 Chrysler Capital: $ 14,840 Balance Lease Credit First: $1,400 Fingerhut: 1,300 First Premier: $700 Jared: $400 Milestone MC: $250 Macy's: $600 SooperCU: 1,000 Amazon: $900 Banana Republic: $400 Care Credit: $3,200 Dillards: $300 Lowes: $300 SamsClub: $500 PayPal: $600 WalMart: $700 Denver CommunityCU: $1,000 AppliedBank: $850 Help.....................
  11. ok Verizon... sent out letters as per BRBiZ advice... and now i have a BOfA charge off with small 98 dollar balance... (secured card)... dont ask me how lol.. any approach with BOfA i should route too ?? HELP ME CB!!!! 2 away !!!
  12. This is going to be a long one, so I apologize now for all the questions...I've been doing some reading but still need some clarification about 1099c, so any insight or info would be appreciated. I have an old BOA charge off that I never did anything about because it was still within SOL until this year (which is, I’m guessing, why they decided to issue me a 1099c). From my reading, it’s my understanding that they should have filed this within 3 years from the DOFD, right? If that’s true, what can I do about this? I may be able to prove that I was insolvent – I believe I wasn’t working at the time, but I will have to go back in my bank records to confirm. If this is the case, do I need to amend my tax returns with a 982 form? How does a 1099c affect my ability to remove the TL from my reports? I am guessing that if I were to dispute this now it would come back as verified because of the 1099c? I ordered my reports weeks ago and have not received a response from any of the CRAs, so I backdoored TU. From what I can see, nothing has changed. This is the info on the TU TL: BOA Date opened: 7/27/07 Balance: $861 Date Updated: 05/30/09 Last Payment Made: 03/31/09 (not true, did not pay after CO) Past Due: $354 Pay Status: Charged off Date Closed: 01/08/09 (Shows 120 days past due for Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr of 2009) Remarks: Closed by credit grantor; Unpaid Balance Charged off Est. Removal: 09/2015 This is what is written on the 1099c: Date of Identifiable Event: 12/31/13 Amount Discharged: 603.28 (I don’t know where they got this number from, I think the portion that is not attributable to fees and interest was less than $600) Description: Uncollected Debt Borrower was Personally Liable Event Code: G Any suggestions? Thanks!!
  13. Here is a scenario: Home foreclosed. BofA sues homeowners, awarded judgement for $215K ($190K loan balance plus fees). Fannie Mae takes ownership of home for $1000. Fannie Mae sells home for $175K. Court still shows judgment due to BofA unchanged at $215K. What am I missing? I would think BofA was made whole (except for maybe the fees) by Fannie Mae, as it was an FHA mortgage? So how is it that BofA got paid $190K by Fannie Mae to make them whole AND BofA still has a judgment showing they are owed $215K from homeowners? Should not the judgment now reflect only the difference between what the judgment was when entered and what the remaining difference is now, and not the whole amount? In other words, if the judgement gets paid today, BofA will have pocketed $405K for a $190K loan. Or, am I WAY confused over how this works? Would appreciate an explanation.
  14. I burned Citi, BofA and Amex almost 7 years ago. My spouse tried to add me as an AU to AMEX and it was a no go. (No shock but worth a try.) Can I be added as an AU to our BofA AMEX or will I be declined because of BofA and/or AMEX? Same question with citi. Do they blacklist AUs like AMEX or only primary account holders. I tried multiple searches for the answer to these questions but it is impossible to search for AU. TIA
  15. so here's the skinny. A long time ago in a galaxy far far away BofA closed 3 accounts with money in them due to suspected fraud. They reported the accounts to Chex and never sent me a check for the balances (well over 3k). So i sued BofA and won because not only were my accounts closed in error, but they never gave me the money in the accounts when they did close them. So i write a letter to chex telling them that the report of fraud was null and void due to the results of the court case. I sent them them a copy of the court verdict along with the letter. So they come back and tell me that the info from BofA was verified and refused to remove. So my question to you guys is there anything i can do to get them removed? The accounts were closed in 9/2009.
  16. For those of you with BOA Secured cards: I have had this card for 11 months, and am pretty familiar with it, including adding additional security deposits to increase the credit line (which I've recently done actually). I expect that it will unsecure after the first of the year considering payment history, reduced util that will report by 1/1/14 and improved scores. Today, I noticed that there is a 'request a credit line increase' button on my login page. I've always called in to do the increases before, so I'm not sure if this is new, or I've just overlooked it before. Do those of you with this card see this option upon login? Thanks in advance.
  17. Hello CBers! Hoping you can shed some light on this for me. Back in October of 2009 (before I ever heard of CB) I settled a cc w/ BofA for $884. The account reports as 'Closed' and 'Settled for less than full balance' AND 120 days past due. Can they report it as 120 days late until it falls off or is that something I can dispute? Thanks for any help you can provide.
  18. So while I was supposed to be gardening, I couldn't help getting sucked into one more application from BofA for a Cash Rewards card. I have no other accounts whatsoever with them. So I applied a couple weeks ago, and was approved for the siggy card and a $5K CL. I received the card in the mail yesterday, and activated it, signed in to see the $5K CL and a love button. Now since I had just activated the card, I figured I probably shouldn't hit the button, but then I thought what do I have to lose? So I hit the button and asked for $7K since I have a few other cards already at that limit. I received the message I would hear back in 7-10 days and figured they would say no since I do not have enough history etc.. Being bored on a Saturday evening, I signed back in to see if I would get the denial letter (as is the usual case on my $1K Cap 1 card I have had for 6 years) and was pleasantly surprised to see the new $7K CL!!
  19. Hey guys, I started my credit history 10 months ago with a secured 99/500 Bank of America Cashrewards and the secured Capital One. So far, I've always PIF, and kept a low utilization (<20%). Last week, my BOA GRADUATED to an unsecured card, and they increased my CL from $500 to $1,000, so that's a very good news. Today, my Credit Karma score DROPPED 45 POINTS!! With the following notifications: - The limit on 1 of your credit cards has increased. (That's the BOA) - Your previously unused CAP ONE account is now reporting a balance. (I forgot to USE my Capital one card for a month...) Note that I have made no credit inquiries whatsoever. I really don't understand, I've been working very hard on my credit and my score has increased consistently in the last 10 months. What happened? Is it possible that NOT using a CC for a month lower your score? Did BOA do a weird HP when graduating my card? (Note that I didn't ask for anything, and that credit karma does not show a pull). Please help, thanks!
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