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  1. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/03/07/usa-banks-creditcards-probe-idUSL1N0BWM3I20130307 When the banks sell delinquent credit card debt to the JDB's they provide very little information - just a list of accounts, names addresses and SS#'s if they have it. and most times, the accounts are sold " without recourse " - meaning that the banks don't guarantee that this information is correct , and there is no recourse available to the JDB's if the accounts sold were disputed, ID theft or due to additional charges after the consumer paid off the account. The JDB's then use these records to file lawsuits and attach affidavits attesting the bank records they claim to hold. All ties back to the FTC's investigation of the Big Nine JDB's , http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2013/01/debtbuyer.shtm and class action lawsuits against Midland robo signing http://creditboards.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=465175&hl= and class action lawsuits against LVNV funding where 10's of thousands of lawsuits were dismissed. http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2011-09-09/business/bs-bz-debtors-settlement-lvnv-20110909_1_debt-collection-settlement-forgives
  2. Normally, I know the answer is no. I have had BOA for about 7 years. They started off as a deposit credit card and graduated. The amount never has increased, I wont ask for one since they pull all three. They charge a fee of $79 annually and wont budge. They have offered to open a new card, but I will still loose all the time since they wont transfer it to a new card. My score is over 750 now (thanks CB!) Should I just walk away from it?
  3. Noticed this on the Barclays site. Any thoughts on this? Is there a BOA US Air product I don't know about? I think there use to be a BOA US Air debit card...
  4. I received a pre-selected offer in the mail for Bank of America. I currently have a FAKOs of 677/677/667 (EX/TU/EQ). I also have $22,800 in credit, spread out over 5 cards. 9K highest limit, 2K lowest limit, including a signature Visa and an AmEx. Oldest credit card account is at least five years old, newest is couple of months. Everything else falls in between. I have older installment accounts (only one open, rest are paid/closed in good standing). Pretty much middle of the road on credit rebuilding, current standing, etc. So I applied for the BOA MC. Received instant approval of $500. That is almost an insult credit limit, considering the work I have put in to increase my scores, increase my limits, etc. Soooo, should I chalk this up to a learning experience of a wasted inquiry and never activate this card when it comes in and to just let my open accounts age for a while? Or should I call BOA when I receive the card and ask for CLI? Thanks in advance for any advice and/or experience examples.
  5. Just approved for my first BOA card today - Alaska Air for $7500 Anyone apply for two in one day and got approved for both? I'm looking at the travel rewards card with no AF and no FTF. I know they don't do 2-for-1 hard pulls
  6. Hi guys, I went through a rough patch a few years ago. I now have a good job and I'm trying to do something with my life, but we all know credit can help with that. My credit score is in the high 600's, which is surprising to me considering I have two charged off Bank of America credit cards. I had a failed business and got a bit in over my head in my late 20's. Anyway, a couple of years later (now) I'm trying to simply figure out who to contact to see if I can negotiation whatever type of settlement might get them to delete the charge off from my credit report (or whatever other bone they might agree to throw me to pay these accounts, finally). Whatever I can do to help my credit score... I tried calling Bank of America, who held both credit cards. After spending 30 minutes on the phone, I ended up with some guy's voicemail that literally told me "If you have a charged off credit card, do not leave a message, but call the number found on your documentation." Well, it's two years later, I don't have any documentation. So, I left a voicemail explaining that, but I don't expect a call back... Any advice? Also, I know that at least one of the accounts has a collection agency trying to collect. However, I'm hoping to go to the source in order to have a better chance having my credit report cleaned off. My credit report shows Bank of America on both charged off accounts, with balances, and does not list a collection agency. That means that while it's been sent to collections, the debt hasn't been sold, correct? That means I'm calling the right place, as far as I can tell? -Z
  7. This is going to be a long one, so I apologize now for all the questions...I've been doing some reading but still need some clarification about 1099c, so any insight or info would be appreciated. I have an old BOA charge off that I never did anything about because it was still within SOL until this year (which is, I’m guessing, why they decided to issue me a 1099c). From my reading, it’s my understanding that they should have filed this within 3 years from the DOFD, right? If that’s true, what can I do about this? I may be able to prove that I was insolvent – I believe I wasn’t working at the time, but I will have to go back in my bank records to confirm. If this is the case, do I need to amend my tax returns with a 982 form? How does a 1099c affect my ability to remove the TL from my reports? I am guessing that if I were to dispute this now it would come back as verified because of the 1099c? I ordered my reports weeks ago and have not received a response from any of the CRAs, so I backdoored TU. From what I can see, nothing has changed. This is the info on the TU TL: BOA Date opened: 7/27/07 Balance: $861 Date Updated: 05/30/09 Last Payment Made: 03/31/09 (not true, did not pay after CO) Past Due: $354 Pay Status: Charged off Date Closed: 01/08/09 (Shows 120 days past due for Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr of 2009) Remarks: Closed by credit grantor; Unpaid Balance Charged off Est. Removal: 09/2015 This is what is written on the 1099c: Date of Identifiable Event: 12/31/13 Amount Discharged: 603.28 (I don’t know where they got this number from, I think the portion that is not attributable to fees and interest was less than $600) Description: Uncollected Debt Borrower was Personally Liable Event Code: G Any suggestions? Thanks!!
  8. I lost track of when I used my BOA card and lol and behold they closed my account. The TL was exactly 10 years old so I want it back. I called the day of the find (Sat) and I didn't get anywhere. I was told that the underwriters cannot accept calls. Before I head to corporate, where else can go?
  9. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/04/03/us-financial-regulations-creditcards-idUSBREA3225H20140403
  10. Hi, Been reading on these forums for a few months now. BTW, Great stuff. Hopeing for a little advice here. I have 4 negatives on my account that is killing me. I think my CR is keeping me from getting a job. Went through hard times in crash and lost house and then more money troubles lead to divorce. Ran CR and later found that not all CC's had been closed and had beeen run up and not paid. Wife did BK and left me with foreclosure, 10k line of credit and a 10k CC and anoher small card. I had pulled my CR 2 years ago and all of these were being paid but all late 180+ Now I see these accounts 2 years later as forclousure joint but all the other accounts had been changed to individual owner status. I don't remember getting this line of credit and even if I did i don't think I could get a loan off my house by myself, It would have to be joint there. Question is what can be done here. Sure would like to make it go away. Already have Calvary Portfilo calling 2-3 times a day. Is therre a way that I can get the CC to find out dates of purchases so I can prove it wasen't me using them? It may be MDW did a BK and erased her name off and they had to name me. I had assumed a lot of the debit on a few personal cards as per a divorce agreement. She was supposed to take care of the home. My layer never did what i had asked and pulled a CR to see that all accounts were straight. Now i'm gonna pay again. Any help much apprecieated.
  11. I just clicked CLI button for BOA cash rewards card. Earlier limit was 2k. I entered 6k and it was approved instantly. I opened a secured platinum card in 2010(with an AF of $39) with a 500 limit---> got converted it to unsecured platinum plus with 2k limit in 2011(still annual fee of $39) --> converted it to a cash rewards(123 card) in Dec 2013(I got this idea of asking for conversion after joining CB) --> apped for CLI today for 6k approved yippee Should I have asked for more? When can I click the CLI button again? I never had any late payments. Always paid in full. I have very avg credit with a collection on EQ and TU. My EX is freezed. I am not sure what they pulled. I will update the creditpulls
  12. For those of you with BOA Secured cards: I have had this card for 11 months, and am pretty familiar with it, including adding additional security deposits to increase the credit line (which I've recently done actually). I expect that it will unsecure after the first of the year considering payment history, reduced util that will report by 1/1/14 and improved scores. Today, I noticed that there is a 'request a credit line increase' button on my login page. I've always called in to do the increases before, so I'm not sure if this is new, or I've just overlooked it before. Do those of you with this card see this option upon login? Thanks in advance.
  13. Since they would not listen to the BK Judge...they will listen to this fine! http://blogs.wsj.com/bankruptcy/2013/10/04/bankruptcy-judge-sends-a-message-to-bank-of-america/ Chris Keane/Reuters Bank of America Corp.BAC -1.07% has been ordered to pay $10,000 per month for every month it continues to badger a couple to pay off a loan that was discharged in bankruptcy, in a ruling from a prominent judge who says he means to “send a message.” “This is not just a stupid mistake. This is a policy,” wrote Judge Robert Drain of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in New York. “And frankly, $10,000.00 a month plus attorney’s fees may not mean much to Bank of America, but at least it will send a message that other attorneys may pick up on.”
  14. One of my cards, the BOA visa signature currently runs an offer on balance transfer and I wanted to move about $7000 to that card. The credit limit is not reported by BOA (Currently 15K) but card reports maximum past balance and minimum payment amount. The question is - how my FICO is going to be affected if I transfer balance to this Visa Signature card. Will new balance become "hidden" from FICO algorithms or total utilization is going to be calculated based on maximum past balance that is reported (that would be strange). Anybody can help and clarify? Thank you!
  15. I had never done any biz with BOA in my life, but after they kept sending me pre-approvals in the mail I finally took them up on it. Was slightly surprised that it was instantly approved and they even gave a decent CL of $10,000 too. Not my highest but might be my "average" CL when you throw in my little cards like the BBRZ and Cap One card even after it was bumped up a lot higher via the Executive email route. The card that I got was a "better balance rewards Mastercard rewards card". Only had it going on 2 months. Now they are sending me a Pre-approvals for their "CASH REWARDS" card. So does Anyone know if you can have two primary BOA cards at the same time? Because if I decide to do this one I sure don't want to waste a Hard pull form EX only to be declined simply because I already have a card with them to begine with. Thanks
  16. Got a preselected off fer for a BOA 0% 15 month with BT, took a 4500 bt and they gave a 5k limit. Is it worth reconning for higher? They keep calling me about all the features on the card, etc.... they even increased the balance transfer from 4k to 4.5. My question is if I apply for a small business card with them, would that be one app too many too soon? I know CITI has some spacing limits. I am looking for the advantage of a hidden tradeline that most biz cards give.
  17. Oh how I LOVE CB! I want to 1st start off by saying thank you to all those who provide feedback! Everyday I learn something new! So THANKS!! I'm trying to put together a good will letter to send to the exec of Bank of America. Last year I paid off mg card that had a $4000 limit off in full. I was never late but only made minimum payments. Shortly after I made the payment my card was closed! My CRA reads "closed paid as agreed" . Does anyone have any experience with this? Why would they close the card when I paid in fill. The card was not delinquent or in collections. Even my CRA's never show a late payment. I do have other cards with BOA with much lower limits. This whole situation is confusing. So back to me contacting BOA - should it be an email or snail mail? And should it be more of a recon or good will?
  18. I had a BOA checking and savings acct from Aug 2007 through April 2009. I had over $10,000 between the 2 acct's. I used alot of the funds to pay some accts off from my previous marraige, buy some stuff, but never came close to a $0 balance. Due to the way they input these transactions from largest to smallest, the way they held my direct deposits until they charged me ODF's ($500-$600 at a time ) I ended up paying over $4600 in ODF's in a year period. I even took out $4,000 in loans to cover the difference. They "force closed" the acct in July 2009. They're adamant that I still owe them $848.00, even though due to the time frame, it shouldve been rolled up in the CAL last year. I was in Afghanistan at the time, and didnt receive a check, or notification from the Class Action. I called and expained it to the Office of CEO Rep and she assigned it to their fraud dept and to another rep. After a few minutes, that rep gave in, said she would waive the $700+ in ODF's, but I still have a $140+ in true $ that need to be paid. I said I dont agree, but pay if they would remove the erroneous $ amount from Chexsystems, which he said quickly refused. She only said she would update to new $ amount once paid, which would be purple to do, since it rolls off Chexsystems next year. She said she would update their system to show this new balance. It was their ODF's that caused the neg balance and closed the acct. Without the ODF's, i still would have had over $5 grand in the acct, and not have had to take out $4,000 in loans. BOA hasnt reported to any CRA's yet, though they said its getting ready to. I challenged with the SoL, which stumbled her. She gave me the # to their "dispute" dept and it was left at that yesterday. Thinking I should dispute with Chexsystems since they're updating the $ amount in BOA system. Any ideas which type of dispute to use? What's should be my next step?
  19. I recent was sued by BOA for a 50k business loan that was outstanding. Went to Court, BOA didnt show, Judge dismissed the case. Should I send court papers showing dismissal to CRA's? (( O )) / \ Drvnmshazzy
  20. I have a some 90 - 150 day lates on two separate credit cards with Bank of America. Frankly, do I have any chance whatsoever of getting these removed? I was out of town a lot, and was dealing with a death in the family last year, so this is the reason I wasn't paying hawk-eyed attention to my accounts. The first card had a balance of $1200. I paid it down to $0. But then they charged me another month's interest, and so that $30 of interest was sitting unpaid for 5 months before I noticed and was able to pay it off. The second card had a balance of $20,000. It was set to autopay, but a few payments bounced, and it wasn't until I racked up a few 90-day lates until I brought it current. The current balance is $2,000, and I currently have the cash to pay it off in full. I realize the situation is what it is, but I also see people on this forum getting charge-offs removed, even bankruptcies removed. All I have are some lates. The bank has not lost any money on me; rather they actually made money from late fees and such. I just want to know if it's even worth my time to try to get these removed, or just deal with them for the next 7 years. And more poignantly right now, is there any leverage I might have by not yet paying the remaining $2K balance in full, or should I just pay it off. I guess I mean, do I have the ability to offer some sort of pay-for-delete or something for these lates, or am I just out of luck? Thanks for your expertise.
  21. Is BOA BK friendly? I have a BK from 2006 that I didnt include them in. Do you think I can get a card from them? I have no baddies...
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