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Found 6 results

  1. I have an OC tradeline that is reporting like this: High Balance: NA Recent Balance: NA Recent Payment: NA This account was sold to a CA. Doesn't the OC have to report a $0 balance / not NA? Does it matter at all to my sad little FICO scores? lol Just a curious sort of thing. I know I have much bigger fish to fry, but one of those things that might help me get a tradeline or two deleted down the road of reporting in a way that is not allowed. Thanks!
  2. Just to get it out of the way, it's not a "something else happened" scenario. My gas utility reports to EQ and TU. EQ generally updates the balance monthly for whatever the bill is for the month (TU is more infrequent). Sometimes the same balance will display for a few months, then it will be updated. My balance has recently been reporting as $140 for the past several months. Now it has updated on EQ to $39, which is a 72% decrease. As a result, my EQ04 dropped 12 points and my EQ08 dropped 7 points. Does anyone know if there are any FICO intricacies that would cause an inverse relationship between balance and score on utility accounts specifically? This makes absolutely no sense to me.
  3. I have recently Dv'ed 2 CAs reporting on my CRAs and waiting to hear anything back from them. I have 3 other accounts reporting, all OCs, that need tending to. Chase - Charged-off - Still showing the balance. Captial One - Charged-off - Still showing the balance. Macys - Charged-Off - Still showing the balance. I want to take care of these prior to them selling the debt, which I am surprised they haven't yet. DOFD on all 3 are around Feb/March 2012. I've been reading that OCs hardly ever delete. What should I be asking for if they tell me they won't delete? I can pay them, just want to pay them and get the best action done to help my CR. I'm going to call them up in about 2 weeks to try to clear up the debt so I don't have to worry about CAs.
  4. They reported that I have a balance of $5,270,006,178! Wow!!! <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/16675828@N05/9414194008/" title="Equifax Screenshot by perfectz3, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3768/9414194008_ecaa90b127.jpg" width="281" height="500" alt="Equifax Screenshot"></a>
  5. I have a medical derog that I am trying to get rid of. I believe the balance is incorrect but I am not sure I can prove it. Anyway, this is what I have done (before finding out about the WhyChat HIPAA method): Addresses had already been disputed with the CRAs, some cooperated, some did not. Disputed with the CRAs - verified. DV'd the CA - was sent a computerized printout, nothing else. It had everything an OC's bill should have (e.g. date of service, ssn, dob). DV'd the CA a second time, asking for more in depth verification (e.g. patient registration forms) - no response from CA. Disputed again with the CRAs - verified again. What do I do now?
  6. I have a cc charge-off that was settled for less than the full balance but they are reporting the difference that I did not pay as the current balance. I want this account deleted, not merely marked as paid/settled. How should I proceed? Any advice is appreciated.
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