I'm helping a friend with their credit report that includes an auto loan from Bank of America that shows a 30 day late from 2011 as well as a 30 day and 60 day from 2012. He has proof that he was not 30 days late in 2011 in the form of a cancelled check that he sent early for the month in question. He submitted a copy of the check in disputes about the 30 day late from 2011 to TransUnion and Equifax so far. After hearing back from TransUnion, he sent a 623 letter to BofA stating:
Their response was underwhelming and dated the same day their received my letter:
I also submitted a CPFB complaint:
To which I received the response:
To which I responded:
I'm planning to send a second letter to BofA that basically says how could you conduct an investigation in a single day and what possible grounds do you have to say you are reporting correctly when I supplied proof that I made my Month 2011 payment? Additionally I will include Equifax in the letter this time since I've heard back from Equifax now.
Any suggestions?