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Everything posted by MMWTHREAD
.........................................................Even More Incentive!!! .........................................This was posted by "luckydriver" a few days ago. Thanks for this info: PSECU Lowers Loan Rates to Save Members Money At a time when many financial institutions are trying to find ways to charge consumers more, Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union (PSECU) is taking the opposite approach. On October 1, PSECU will lower its Visa Balance Transfer rate from 4.9% Annual Percentage Rate (APR) to 3.9% APR. The new rate for balance transfers will remain at 3.9% APR until December 31, 2011. This reduction will apply to new balance transfers, but, most notably, this reduction will also benefit members who already took the previous balance transfer offer at 4.9% APR by lowering the APR to 3.9% on any remaining promotional balance. A popular industry practice is to increase rates on existing balances. The 1% lower rate will create annual interest savings for members of up to $390,000 on those existing balances of $39 million. Because PSECU does not charge a balance transfer fee, and the average transfer fee rate is 3 - 5% of the transfer amount, that’s another savings for PSECU members of about $1.2 to $2 million. According to Gregory A. Smith, President/CEO, “Consumers have been abused by the card companies before and after the passage of the CARD Act of 2009. PSECU continues to prove that we have a credit card program they can trust. Sadly, that’s become a real rarity.” The current Nilson Report lists PSECU as one of the top 100 Visa/MasterCard issuers in the United States.
Thanks to the OP for this find! If you receive this message "The offer you're searching for is not available to the general public" Then go to http://www.sonyrewards.com and sign up for a sony rewards account. After you sign up, click on the link from the first post. It should now work. Here is the link from the first post: http://www.sonyrewards.com/en/gateway/?offerlink=NC20k ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just appplied with a 610 FICO and was approved for $800. Second Crap one for me but worth it if I can redeem a $200 reward. Typical Crap one limit, but 0% APR until 2011. Sony Christmas shopping anyone?
As the original poster, I thought I would update this entry. Today I called PSECU and spoke with a very nice csr. PSECU contact (800) 237-7328 1. I asked her if my application was accepted since I just joined the Recreation and Park society? She said as long as I am a member of this organization my application should have no problems. They only needed my signature card returned to open the account. Never asked me to prove I joined the Park society. 2. I also asked her if I had to live in PA to be a member. She told me living in PA is not a requirement for membership Afterwards I contacted Tracy at the Pennsylvanni Recreation and Park society. Her number is (814) 234-4272. 1. I asked about the membership date showing Jan 11, 2011 as start date. She told me that you become a member immediately upon payment and that the last few months of the year are considered free. The start date shown apparently has to do with an accounting process they use. The membership begins the date of payment, not Jan 11, 2011. 2. I asked if I was eligible to join PSECU. She said yes, the same day you join the society. The receipt is proof of membership and if PSECU had any questions to contact her directly. Please feel free to contact the above people to verify these facts. I hope anyone interested in joining will. Please post if you have a different experience. Thanks to CB.
Hillbilly, The link with my first post is only for the Park and Recreation membership. You will need to go to the PSECU website and join the credit union separately, I don't think they are linked.
I don't believe you have to wait until 2011 to join: When you do an online application for membership to PSECU 1. Enter SSN and DOB (Then next) 2. Eligibility lists "an Employee or Member of PRPS or I am interested in joining PRPS" as an option. (Choose this) 3. Click to Join PRPS. (Another window opens to join PRPS) 4. After signing up return to window with PSECU and continue by selecting "I am an employee or member of Pennsylvania Recreation & Parks Society Incorporated" 5. This is how I joined. Sending signature card out today.
I signed up today as a member of the park society and joined PSECU. They did pull Ex , but not Chex. Not sure if they will pull somewhere else if Ex frozen. Hope that helps
When joining the park and recreation society: 1. Referred by can be left blank. 2. Address can be in any state. 3. Most info can be left blank (I only put in the bare minimum to join) 4. Membership is one calendar year, but you don't have to maintain it to stay a PSECU member.
I don't think it matters where you live as long as its US or Canada. I used a New Jersey address with no problems. Hope they didn't kick you out Bob.
Anyone interested in joining PSECU can qualify for membership by joining the Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society as a Friend for $20.00. The Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society (PRPS) is the principal state organization promoting quality recreation and park training, networking, and leadership opportunities for those working and volunteering in the field. Join now and receive your new membership rewards! First-year dues discount. PRPS decal. Member rates on workshops and conferences. Discounts on amusement parks, ski passes, car rentals & more. Membership in the Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union. https://www.netforum...99-76264f683e35
Thanks for the great advice! I just called and got the 1/2 price deal for 12 months. Here is the contact number if anyone needs it: USAA Credit Monitor Customer Care Team 1-866-751-1320 Contact us toll-free Monday-Friday 7:30am-9:00pm, Saturday 10:00am-6:00pm Central Time
Just got accepted...Hard pull from Ex....didn't apply for card yet.....Just wanted to get my foot in the door.
FOAD, I believe is F-off and die letter. Or more PC(politically correct) cease and desist any and all collection activity. Correct me if I'm wrong.
AA = Adverse Action AAOA = Average Age of Accounts AG = Attorney General APR = Annual Percentage Rate AR = Account Review AU = Authorized User BADDIE = Any negative or derogatory item on your report BBB = Better Business Bureau BK = Bankruptcy BT = Balance Transfer BUMP = Used by someone when they are looking for an answer to the thread, but have not received one yet CA = Collection Agency CBR - Credit Bureau Report CC = Credit Card CCC = Credit Card Company CCCS = Consumer Credit Counseling Services CFL = Consumer Finance Loan CL = Credit Limit CLD = Credit Line Decrease CLI = Credit Line Increase CMRRR = Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested CO = Charge Off CRA = Credit Reporting Agency ( TransUnion, Equifax, Experian) CRO = Credit Repair Organization CRTP = Credit Reporting Time Period Derog = Derogatory DMP = Debt Management Program DOFD = Date of First Delinquency DOLA = Date of Last Activity DTI = Debt to Income DV = Debt Validation EQ (also EFX) = Equifax EX (also EXP, XPN) = Experian FA = Fraud Alert FAKO = Generic credit score, not a true FICO FC = Foreclosure FCRA = Fair Credit Reporting Act FDCPA = Fair Debt Collections Practices Act FI = Fair Isaac FR = Financial Review FTC = Federal Trade Commision HELOC = Home Equity Line of Credit HIPAA = Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act IIB = Included in Bankruptcy IMO = In My Opinion JDB = Junk Debt Buyer LOC = Line of Credit OC = Original Collector or Original Creditor OP = Original Poster PFD = Pay For Delete PIF = Pay in Full PL = Personal Loan PM = Private Message PP = Permissible Purpose PR = Public Record RECON = Reconsideration SOL = Statue of limitations SW = ScoreWatch TC = TrueCredit TD = Turned Down TL = Tradeline.. An entry in your credit history. TU = TransUnion Util = Utilization WO = Write Off .
A "backdoor number" is one that gets you past frontline CSR's directly to Credit Analysts / Credit Departments / Account Managers / Account Specialists (different lenders call 'em different things) - these people/departments have decision-making abilities far beyond frontline CSR's; they are able to take and review requests for reconsideration of denied cc apps or CLI requests, APR reductions, etc. and implement their decisions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AmEx Oasis Program: 888-232-3261 American Express Credit Bureau Unit: 800-874-2717. Must have a current credit report before calling. They will ask for the account number from the credit report, which is different from your card number. Barclays: 888-232-0780 (Customer Care) Best Buy: 888-237-8289 (customer care) Best Buy: 800-365-0292 (CSR) Best Buy App Status: 800-811-7276 Best Buy Store Card: 800-305-0533 BofA Acquisition Dept.: 888-645-6733 (new app recon) BofA: 800-732-9194 BofA: 800-421-2110 (product change, poss. for cli). BofA: 888-260-4696 (secured accts.). BofA: 800.824.5895 (secured & partially secured accts.). BofA: 800-718-6072 (Credit analyst). BofA: 800-881-4730 (Loan Dept.?). BofA: 866-226-8225 (Recon). BofA Credit Dept. Fax: 888-500-6270 .BofA/FIA: 888-831-4181. FIA: 866-421-8153 (credit analyst) . . BP/Amoco App Status: 800-365-6204. Cap1: 800-625-7866 (Account Specialist) Cap1: 800-951-6951 (cust. relations) Cap1: 800-548-4593 (application department; status) Cap1: 800-889-9939 or 800-625-7866.(Account Specialist) Cap1: 877-513-9959 (Account Retention?) Cap1: 800-258-9319 (Debt Recovery) Chase: 800-432-3117 (App status) Chase: 888-270-2127 (App recon) Chase: 877-781-3109 (combining & product change) Chase: 888-245-0625 (Credit Analyst - Recons) Chase: 888-622-7547 (Chase Executive Ofc. in IL) Chevron/Texaco Biz Card App Status: 888-243-8358 Citi: 888-201-4523 (New App Approval Status) Citi AA: 888-662-7759 Citi App Status: 800-645-7240, 800-288-4653, 800-750-7453 Citi: 800-444-2568 (Retention Dept.) Citi: 800-763-9795 (Credit Dept.) Citi Credit Bureau Dispute Fax: 866-713-5028 Discover: 888-676-3695 (Recon) ExxonMobil Biz Card: 800-903-9966 FIA: 866-421-8153 (credit analyst) GEMB: 877-294-7541 (escalated help desk) Home Depot Store Card: 800-677-0232 (Credit Analyst) Home Depot Store Card: 423 467 6957 (App Status/Recon) Home Depot MC (Commercial): 800-720-0649 Hooters: 801-545-6705, 800-850-4668 HSBC: 866-574-4421 (App Status) HSBC: 866-719-3897 (Credit Analyst?) JC Penney: 800-542-0800 Juniper: 866-408-4064 (Credit Analyst) Juniper/Barclays: 866-750-6031 (Corp. Offices) Key Bank: 888-201-4523 (App status) Key Bank: 800-254-2737 Key Bank MC: 800-288-4653 Keybank Credit Research Fax: 216-357-6404 Lowes: 800-445-6937 (App Status) Lowes: 866-232-7443 (Biz Acct. Underwriting) Lowes Fraud/UW: 800-444-1408 Macy's: 800-627-2909 (Credit Dept. - new credit, inquiries on upgrade to Visa, credit reporting issues) Macy's: 800-543-9617 (Recovery Services) Meijers MC: 801-517-5560 National City: 800-762-0974 (Credit Dept.) Orchard: 800-395-6090 (May get answered in Spanish by bilingual CSR's. If this happens and you don't speak Spanish, either try again later or try saying "Habla ingles?" or "Ingles, por favor" to let them know you're an English-speaker). Philips 66: 866-289-5630, 800-610-1961 Sam's Club: 800-301-5546, 866-246-4282 (Underwriting) Sears: 800-599-9710 (App status) Shell Fleet Card: 800-223-3296 (App status) Shell: 800-223-3296, 866-438-7435 Shell: 800-377-5150 Staples: 800-767-1291, 800-282-5316 Sunoco Corp. Card: 800-935-3387, 800-278-6626 Sunoco: 800-310-4773 Target Biz Card: 800-440-5317 Tiffany: 800-770-0800 US Bank: 800-947-1444, 800-685-7680 (Underwriting) Valero: 877-882-5376 Wal-Mart: 800-301-5546 Wal-Mart Underwriting: 877-294-7548 Wal-Mart Underwriting (GE Moneybank): 1-866-419-4096 WaMu CSR: 800-356-0011, or 800-280-9441 WaMu: 888-687-2273 (Apps/New Accts) Wright Express: 888-743-3893
Just ran across this ad and was curious. Can't believe they are serious. Who would agree to such a thing? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aventium® Gold Credit Card • No annual fee for the first year • Looking for a new credit card? Apply today • Sometimes reality gets in your way - A credit card offer for those with less than perfect credit • Try it out. Monthly reporting to major Consumer Reporting Agencies. Apply now • See website for complete terms and conditions Intro APR Intro APR Period Regular APR Annual Fee Balance Transfers Credit Needed See website* See website* See website* See website* N/A* Bad Credit* CLICK HERE TO APPLY!!! \/ \/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fees, Rates, Costs and Limitations Interest Rates and Interest Charges Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for Purchases 59.9% APR for Cash Advances 59.9% How to Avoid Paying Interest on Purchases Your due date is at least 25 days after the close of each Billing Cycle. We will not charge you interest on Purchases if you pay your entire balance by the due date each month. Minimum Interest Charge If you are charged interest, the charge will be no less than $0.50. The Minimum Interest Charge will not be assessed in the first 12 months your Credit Account is open. For Credit Card Tips from the Federal Reserve Board To learn more about factors to consider when applying for or using a credit card, visit the website of the Federal Reserve Board at http://www.federalreserve.gov/creditcard. Fees Set-up and Maintenance Fees NOTICE: Some of these set-up and maintenance fees will be assessed before you begin using your Card and will reduce the amount of credit you initially have available. Based on your initial credit limit of $300.00, your initial available credit will be only about $300.00. • Processing Fee $75.00 (one-time fee) • First Year Annual Fee $0.00 • Subsequent Year Annual Fee $75.00 annually (which will be billed at $6.25 per month) Transaction Fees • Cash Advance Either $5.00 or 3% of the amount of each Cash Advance, whichever is greater (maximum fee: $10.00). This fee will not be assessed to Cash Advances taken in the first 12 months your Credit Account is open. • Foreign Currency 3% of each transaction amount in U.S. dollars. This fee will not be assessed to foreign transactions made in the first 12 months your Credit Account is open. Penalty Fees • Late Payment Up to $35.00. • Return Item Charge Up to $29.00.
I have read that I should not sign any letter to a CA. My understanding is that they can scan it and "create" proof of debt with my siggy. I am wondering about other letters. My questions are: 1: Should I sign any letters sent to the CRA or OC? 2:Can they refuse it if it is not signed?
www.creditchecktotal.com $19.95 monthly with unlimited pulls and all scores. I have read on a posting that if you do the trial period, then cancel on last day, they can lower your rate to $9.95 a month if you stay. I have been satisfied with their service.
Happy to boycott..they are worthless anyway. I have found they are the worst to remove incorrect data...
I don't recognize the trade line and have 2 other accounts with Cap 1. Those are reporting correct and current. My question is, why do they need this other information to prove this debt is mine? I have sent the account number listed on the CR. Seems like they are attempting to make the debt mine. Last activity on this unknown acct is 2003, so yes statue of limitation is up for me. If I don't respond would they consider I admit to owning this debt? I could repeat first request, without SSN or other added info. It's worth a go.... Thanks for helping me on this..
For those who use purple ink, teal font, etc. and handwritten/script
MMWTHREAD replied to DragonFlyer's topic in Credit Forum
Anyone using the security paper listed here. I was wondering if it was worth the expense? I think it would be great if it couln't be scanned or copied. Any thoughts? -
I.m still not sure whether to reply to them or how to do it? I understand Cap 1 is not easy to deal with.
I sent Capital One an unknown debt validation on an account listed on my credit report. 30 days later I received a reply for more information. My request included the account number listed and my contact information. I did not include my SSN or Date of Birth with the request for validation. I am not sure what I can do from here. I don't want to provide to much info. Should I send them a repeat validation letter? Do they really need my birthdate and SSN to investigate? I am not validating the account for them. How should this be handled? Dear Sucker, Thank you for your recent inquiry. Re: $$$$$$$$$ Unfortunately, we are unable to process your request with the information you provided. So we can process your request, please fill out the form at the bottom of this letter. Send it, along with a copy of your previous correspondence, in the enclosed envelope to: Capital One Services, Inc. P.O. Box 30285 Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0285 Please complete all the items on the form, even those you may have previously provided. Once we receive this information, we will be able to proceed with your request. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 1-800-955¬7070. Our Customer Service Representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a ,week. Sincerely, Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. Enclosure Information they request: Re: $$$$$$$$$$ Name: Address on file with Capital One: Current Address: If address is different than what's on file, are you requesting an address change? O Yes 0 No Account Number: (please give the full 16- digit account number,) Social Security Number: (or last four digits) Date of Birth:
b = bumpage AG = Attorney General ARM = Adjustable Rate Mortgage AR = Account Review (soft pulls by creditors) AU = Authorized User BBB = Better Business Bureau Beacon Score = See FICO. BK = Bankruptcy BK13 = Chapter 13 Bankruptcy BK7 = Chapter 7 Bankruptcy BT = Balance Transfer BT promo = A BT at a promotional rate. bumpage = pushing hard inquiries off your reports via daily credit pulls C&D = Cease and Desist (stop collections) C&D Full/Blanket = Notice to CA not to contact you in ANY way. You should only use if SOL is out. C&D Limited = Notice to CA to only contact you by mail. CA = Collection Agency CAP 1 = Capital One CB = Credit Bureau CBR = Credit Bureau Report CC = Credit Card CCC = Credit Card Company CCCS = Consumer Credit Counseling Services CE Score = CreditExpert score. Ch = Chapter Choppage = A CRA may delete inquires before you get to the bumpage point. Citi Backdoor Double = Rapidly applying for multiple Citibank CC products with the intention of combining their CL's. No longer effective? CK = Credit Keeper CL = Credit Limit CLOAKING/SUPPRESSED = The CRA won't "EVER" let the information be put back on your report by the credit card or loan company or the collection agency. CLOD = Creditnet Laborday Onslaught of Disputes CM = Certified Mail CMRRR = Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested Compliance Date = See FCRA Compliance Date. CO = Charge off OR Collections CR = Credit Report CRA = Credit Reporting Agency CRRR = Certified mail, Return Receipt Requested CS = CreditSecure (Experian's (via AMEX) 3-in-1 report) CU = Credit Union CW = Credit Whore CW = Credit Watch DC = Debt Collector DDA = Direct Deposit Account Derog = Derogatory tradeline = an item on your credit file that is negative in any way. DF = Data Furnisher (also FOI) DH = Debtors Husband (also Dear Husband) DMP = Debt Management Plan DOI = Department of Insurance DOFD= Date of First Delinquency DOLA = Date of Last Activity DTI = Debt to Income DV = Debt Validation (what you want CA or OC to do) and Debt Verification (what CRA does--or so they say) DW = Debtors Wife (also Dear Wife) EFT = Electronic Funds Transfer E-Oscar = Electronic program data furnishers use to communicate with CRA's EQ = Equifax EQ CWG = Equifax Credit Watch Gold EX = Experian Experica = Similar to FICO, as reported by Trans Union. FACTA= Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act. Revisions to FCRA Fair Isaac = Similar to FICO, as reported by Experian. FAKO = Fake credit score, ie, any other than the FICO FCBA = Fair Credit Billing Act FCRA = Fair Credit Reporting Act FCRA Compliance Date = Often called "DOFD", the date the reporting SOL is based off of (See DOFD). FDCPA = Fair Debt Collection Practices Act FHA = Federal Housing Administration FICO = Fair Isaac Company, the company that created the mathematical formula used to score credit worthiness of consumers FICO = Fair Isaac score FIFO = First In, First Out. Usually refers to how your letters are answered. FOAD letter = F*CK off and Die letter. A full C&D that isn't so nice. FOI = Furnisher of Information Freddie Mac = Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLM) F/R = Financial Review. Creditor locking your account down until you provide further financial info to support your CLs (common AMEX term). FRCP = Federal Rules of Civil Procedure FTC = Federal Trade Commission. FWIW = For what it's worth GC = Green Card from Certified Mail Goodwill adjustment = Adjustment made to your credit report in response to your Goodwill letter. GW = Goodwill letter Hard Inquiry = Inquiry visible to others and counted in your credit score. HELOC = Home Equity Line of Credit HIPAA = Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996,Public Law 104-191 IIB = Included In Bankruptcy IIRC = If I recall correctly Inq = Inquiry ITS = Intent To Sue JDB = Junk Debt Buyer L/N = Lexis/Nexis (Another sneaky CRA-type) LOC = Line of credit MCK = My Credit Keeper OC = Original creditor OP = Original Post or Poster PFB = PlanetFeedback.com PFD = Pay for Deletion PG = PrivacyGuard.com PIF = Paid In Full PMI = Private Mortgage Insurance PP = Permissible Purpose (to pull your credit report) PR = Procedural Request--request how CRA verified RCP= Rules of Civil Procedure RE = Restrictive Endorsement (contractual check) RR = Return Reciept RRR = Return Reciept Requested SASE = Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope SIF = Settled In Full SOL = Statute of limitations TILA = Truth in Lending Act TL = Tradeline TU = TransUnion UCC = Uniformed Commercial Code UDF = Universal Data Form YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary Feel free to add more..........
Here is a PDF with the Experian codes. Hopefully this can be of some use. http://www.speakeasydesigns.com/mfcu/exper...perianCodes.pdf