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About steelers1

  • Birthday 01/29/1969

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  1. Thank you CV! Much appreciated.
  2. I'm trying to decide between the BCP or the Gold. A family of 5 so I can max out the BCP with the $6k in grocery spend. I have a bunch of 3% dining cards. My DW has the Uber card and we used it for 4% until they eliminated the cash back. Would the 50,000 MR'S sub be worth the $250 annual fee. What are MR'S actually worth? I've read between $.005 and $.02. I have never been a MR collector, I'm more of a cash back guy. But if I could get more bang for my buck going the MR route I'd be willing to do that. What do you think? Thank you!
  3. Thank you for your reply Marv it's much appreciated. The reason I would like to do this is to keep my DTI down. My current service vehicle loan and business equipment loans are on my personal credit report. Therefore I always have to explain that those expenses have been accounted for in my net income so those payments shoudn't factor into my DTI. It would make life a lot easier if I could. Thanks again Marv.
  4. I have been in business as a sole proprietor for 6 years. As per my EIN letter my legal business name is my own name followed by DBA - Company name. The fictitious name is registered with the Dept. of State.
  5. I am getting ready to purchase a new service vehicle for my business. I am a sole proprietor. Can I finance the vehicle in the business name and be a guarantor on the loan? I would like to keep the loan off of my personal credit reports. Is this possible?
  6. C'mon guys its the same thing as a hard pull, but lots of them! 😀
  7. Yea that's when I make financial decisions WHEN I'M BORED! Get a hobby idiot!
  8. If you apply for the standard no AF Honors card, do you receive upgrade offers for the Ascend card? If you do, does the offers include the SUB? TIA
  9. If your main goal is to pay off debt (interest vs. NO interest), then it's a no brainer. I would much rather take a small hit on my FICO scores than my wallet.
  10. https://ficoforums.myfico.com/t5/Credit-Cards/Chase-messed-up-my-CLD/td-p/5669537 CL's and OCD sometimes don't mix
  11. Translates... I have the sh!ts again, more TP please!
  12. If I use my Venture card and God forbid leave more than a 20% tip, I get an e-mail from Cap One asking "Did you mean to be this generous?" I think a $5,000 tip would of shut all the lights out!
  13. Why do you think they are CLD cardholders? Banks don't do it for no reason whatsoever. Maybe a pack of gum or a cup of coffee every few months doesn't justify a high credit line with then anymore. $40k is still a relatively high exposure with a regional bank.
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