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About hegemony

  • Birthday March 3

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    terra firma


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    Area Man

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  1. I disagree. the FCRA makes no difference between soft and hard other than to refer to inqs that can be disclosed to third parties (i.e., hard). soft pulls need PP. I believe there are FTC opinion letters on this but i've long lost my bookmarks to such things. PRM, AR, and other codes used to be revealed on paper copies of reports mailed directly to the consumer. If these are AR pulls with no biz relationship the OP may have a concern. no whether one should spend time pursuing the matter versus time on more valuable activities such as baking cookies for hegemony is another matter.
  2. absolute amount matters little especially since it includes balances reported but PIF. and LOL. I used my credit card to buy groceries today. who writes this garbage?
  3. AU accounts still count. IMHO it isn't worth the effort. also, if your reports are "dirty" it will not have much impact.
  4. smfh Check kiting. It’s called check kiting. And it’s been around since the invention of… checks.
  5. Labor Day gas prices on track to reach their lowest level in 3 years
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  7. by single late you mean a single 30 day late? which creditor is it? have you tried a good will letter?
  8. sucks donkey balls. I have received 17 "credit" alerts about this breach because apparently that is how many services I'm signed up for; even got one from FNBO's credit monitoring even though I haven't had a card from them for over a year. just a report from the front lines. back to your regular programming.
  9. you didn't list the APRs. I'm a fan of always paying highest APR first regardless of balance as well as trying to BT highest APR.
  10. are you opted in? you could see what offers you have using the prescreened sites some issuers have. check out the sticky thread in this forum. you might want to wait until your new accounts are >6 months old however. good luck!
  11. I use excel and update all >50 accounts monthly by hand. takes less than an hour; two at most if I had an active month. I really don't like sharing my data with third parties like mint etc. I track expenses by using a credit card for almost everything and reviewing statements each month.
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