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Everything posted by Konrad2012

  1. The The Ghibli is a Chrysler 300 with lipstick. Even the engine is cast in the Chrysler plant and then sent to Italy to be assembled. Possibly the crappiest $80K car you can buy.
  2. True. I think I've been on Global Entry for four years. Next year I'll need to renew. Thx, if thats the case since its credited back GE should be the choice for all. Lots of people don't travel internationally, so the hassles of GE aren't worth it. PreCheck is open to permanent residents. GE is also highly restrictive. Got a reckless driving charge 20 years ago? Too bad for you. Precheck just says you can't be a murderer.
  3. There is a lot of legroom in a Maserati Ghibli too! Today must be Maserati day, two came by, even a fake Tonka truck yellow Hummer oops I mean Chevy Colorado or whatever it is. H3 And one Maserati was a Levante SUV! cv, first class ? Joseph, a Ghibli is built on a Chrysler chassis just like the H2 is buikt on the Suburban platform and the H3 is built on the small SUV platform.
  4. Local pizza chain sends me tons of emails. Lately the 20% off coupon codes in the emails get rejected by their app. Not really a big deal since there's a 15% code that always works, so we're talking about $0.80. But tonight the principle of it pi$$ed me off so I wrote an email through the contact form to their corporate offices and reminded them of California Business and Professions Code 17200 and 17500 and California Civil Code 1770. Maybe 30 minutes after I submitted the form my doorbell rang. One of their delivery drivers was at my door with a $25 gift card apologizing. Then the store GM was calling my mobile phone, then the COO called my mobile phone. When it was all said and done I felt stupid with the attention I got I really just wanted them to get their IT team to fix the app.
  5. Just make a $1.50 purchase every month. You won't even have to worry about paying the bill.
  6. On a positive note for many of you, there are bound to be a couple used condoms mixed in with the ocean plastics.
  7. It's official, no need to wait. https://www.tsa.gov/precheck https://ttp.cbp.dhs.gov/
  8. Nashville Hot Frog Legs - they were pretty good. (Image from Google, but same restaurant and same look)
  9. I also want to know why the OP "needs" higher limits rather than "wants" higher limits. There's no mention of rewards or low APR's, how the CC's will be used etc.
  10. When I say a registering FICO, I mean that the AU cards are on the reports and have been for a couple of months. While credit karma is a fake score, they are looking at your credit reports so if they are showing your AUs, AAOA, utilization etc then those AU cards are obviously on the reports.
  11. "His decision to test himself and his parents began as a demonstration for a class he was teaching on genetics "George said he'd at least like to see some sort of statement on the risks of finding out sensitive information. "I would want a warning saying 'Check this box and FYI: People discover their parents aren't their parents, they have siblings they didn't know about. If you check this box, these are the things you'll find,'" he said." This guy is teaching a class on genetics and needs a warning about what a genetics test might find? LOL. Funniest stuff I've heard all day.
  12. yeah it was you, now that I think about it Mendel and I both did about the same thing at the same time with our foreign spouses.
  13. Her AUs I'm guessing had higher limits.Not really. I think the highest limit personal revolver she had reporting was a $20K or $25K BofA. She wasn't an AU on my $50K Spark or the Lowes/Walmart cards. She also wasn't an AU on my big Costco AMEX since I wasn't sure if she was eligible - I gave my Dad the extra family slot on my Costco membership. I don't remember her exact AMEX approval, but I think it was for $22K on an Old Blue Cash. Chase also gave her a $20K BA. Less than a year later CapOne gave her a big Venture which I had to $50K within 3 months. If I were the OP I'd be starting with AMEX, Chase and Discover (because of Disco's soft pull repetitive CLI's). And NFCU or PenFed (PenFed again because of the soft pull CLI offers even though PenFed sucks).
  14. My wife's first CC with a 6 month old SSN and only AU's reporting was a $20K AMEX revolver. With a clean report, a registering FICO and $120K reported income, I think Chase will give you a $20K limit as well.
  15. ADA or lard a$$ won't change it. It will take a plane crash on US soil. Then if proof emerges that many died because of cramped seating, then maybe a change will occur. Unconscionable, but that's what it will take. I'm not talking about seat pitch. I'm talking about the lavatories. The amount of $$$ businesses across the nation have to spend for ADA compliant restrooms is mind boggling.
  16. $0 Fraud Liability is $0 Fraud Liability. Text alerts and all that are dandy, but don't really mean squat at the end of the day.
  17. Some banks won't let you set your CA limits to $0. I believe CapOne is one of them. Ran into that when I was using CCs to fund bank accounts for bonuses on the double dip.
  18. Yes, it's best to not say anything. As far as being selfish, I would have never said that. From what I read, Anthony Bourdain traveled about 200 days per year just to do the show. Maybe all the pressure doing that so his fans could enjoy fresh episodes, contributed to what he did. I don't know, but entertaining his fans wasn't selfish. Val Kilmer is entitled to his opinion just as anyone else is. Val Kilmer fought cancer for several years and never quit on himself or his loved ones. Bourdain quit. And there's an 11 year old girl going to sleep tonight who no longer has a father.
  19. United has had 24.4" restrooms for a while. I was on a Southwest flight a year ago and it had the smallest lavatory I had ever seen. I would guess the new AA one is the same one, since there is only one lavatory supplier to the Boeing 737 family. Eventually there will be an ADA lawsuit (or just some fat @ss will sue) and this will change.
  20. CNN should hire me as his replacement.
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