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  1. Wells Fargo personal loan rate email: 5.24%. Anyone know if they will approve loans for $50,000 or more in this COVID-19 environment? What are the criteria for approval?
  2. You can download the app and just do paper trading or create watch lists without opening an account.
  3. The Tesla Skeptics Who Bet Against Elon Musk https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2020-01-22/the-tesla-tslaq-skeptics-who-bet-against-elon-musk
  4. Be bold with the reimagined American Express Green Card. You could earn 30,000 Membership Rewards points
  5. I think Fidelity may charge $0.03 on selling but nothing when buying for most trades. Are you a Boglehead who is in to just low fee index funds?
  6. Wells Fargo is a major national bank which like US Bank cannot seem to get basic account features right. :-) 1. Because of glitch or design, transactions (charges) posted w/in a few days after the statement closing do not show up for a few days in the account management in posted or pending list. However, mint seems to show them. I am not sure if it is just pending transactions that are on showing. 2. You cannot setup auto recurring pay from external accounts. 3. Only one recurring autopay allowed?
  7. I think highest number of people online was probably in 2005ish? In general, board/forums style websites have had their heydays in the past. There are lot of newer platforms that are much bigger with lot of traffic: Facebook forums, reddit, and other newer platforms.
  8. 2018 was the last year they offered manual transmission. You could find an used. Subaru did not sell many manual transmission or turbo charged vehicles. So, they stopped offering them.
  9. The APR is better or closer to student loans’ APR. But, no deferment.
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