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  1. I have two VERY old (from 2008) private/NOT federal student loans that were bought from a new servicer earlier this year. I thought they were setup on autopay but apparently they were not. I am currently showing two 120 day late pays on all three credit reports which of course has killed my credit scores and sent me over the edge into a deep depression. My husband was wanting to start looking at a new home and I have killed whatever chances we had of doing that anytime soon. My thoughts... the balances on both loans are low and can be easily paid off. $1400 total What are my chances on calling the servicer and offering to pay in full if they will delete any or all of the reporting late pays from Oct, Nov, and December? I haven't missed a payment in the past two years. If they decline with the usual we have to report the truth blah blah blah.. pay them off and start sending off disputes with the hopes that at some point since they are paid in full the creditor just won't respond and the entire tradeline will be deleted? Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated!
  2. I should introduce you to my ex-husband. After a few years of marriage and 6 months of counseling I decided it was an inherited trait. His dad was a meth-head with a knack for conning people out of money. Anyways, I finally realized that I was starting to go a little crazy. There were constant assurances that I was imagining things and that he didn't actually say this, or do that. Over the most stupid things, like he took out the trash before he went to work when he really took it out after he got home. I got smart, got myself an education, that he paid for and the day of graduation told him to FOAD . Oh how I relish the look he had on his face. Oh, a woman scorned.. Liars will always be liars. My husband now is man enough to tell be he didn't take out the trash cause he didn't F'in feel like it. God, I love my husband. Holy crap!! Ambien and a bottle of wine..don't even remember this post! [emoji33] A woman scorned. Over lying about when the trash was taken out. And he needed to pay for your education because.....? He lied about when he took out the trash? Holy chocolate I think sometimes this website has gone over to the twilight zone. Lucky blue shirt really dodged a bullet in more ways than one. I'm sure he was thanking god on the inside. He deserved to pay for my education because he was screwing everything that moved while we were married while I was taking care of his home and our children. He was a compulsive liar..addicted to lying. I am certain he was gaslighting me now that I think back on the experience. I would like to blame it on the fact that I was a fat***, but I was that way when he married me. Unfortunately my obesity coupled with very low self esteem left me paralyzed. With two children and no way to support myself I stuck it out. I was scared to accept that my now ex-husband was a piece of s**t because I would have to take action. Then one day I realized I had nothing without him, and I needed to do something about that. I lost 100 lbs, made some friends, and applied to nursing school. Now he's remarried and doing the same thing to that wife. I am a successful realtor, an ICU charge nurse and happily remarried. Honestly, I could care less about what he's thanking God for. Since he doesn't make any attempts to see his children, I haven't even thought of him in over a year. You don't know me, and I don't know you. I was responding to a post on a website that I have used, studied, almost memorized, to make my life better for myself and my children. Unnecessary comments like this are why so many have a hard time asking for help on this site. Three years ago!!! That post was made three years ago. Must be a slow day on the web. Ridiculous...
  3. https://creditboards.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=532352&do=findComment&comment=5077398 This is my thread where it worked before.
  4. So one of my real estate clients is set to close on his home July 1st and a medical collection has popped up on all 3 reports. The reporting collection agency is Central Finance Control. Through my research it seems they are good at making collections stick. The collection is from a major hospital that went through ownership changes two years ago. The bill is from 2015. We are in the process of getting the EOMB, and will call in the morning to see if OC has a direct relationship with reporting CA. If everything alligns, due to very strict time contraints can we 1. Walk in the payment "cashiers check" to OC billing office 2. Obtain receipt for payment 3. Hand deliver copy of receipt and the FORM LETTER TO ORIGINAL HEALTH CARE PROVIDER with the appropriate insert to the hipaa compliance officer 4. Send a DV to collection agency to push through a deletion hoping that after receiving our letter the OC won't validate when the CA receives the DV letter. 5. At the same time send the dispute to all 3 CRA's hoping the CA won't be able to validate. You advised me to do this before with my own reports due to time constraints, and I received a quick turn around and 3 deletions and thankfully was clear to close on my home!! Difference is that was a doctor's office, and this is large hospital. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.
  5. Yeah, at this point I'm thinking a PFD may be our only option. If they won't agree to the PFD then I guess they'll have to pay the CA and hope for the best. I wish people would listen when you give them sound advice. I have done wonders to help her improve her credit score, but when it came to being proactive it was like I was speaking a foreign language.
  6. So, I got my real estate license approximately 6 months ago. Paid for by my broker because they were in such awe of my credit repair skills and wanted me on their team. I have a client that I helped get all of her medicals deleted with the WhyChat method. I told her prior to making an offer that she should run a online mortgage app on both her and her husbands credit to flush out any CA's. Well, she didn't listen. So now here we are, in underwriting and a collection agency has reported a $300 debt for a fitness membership that didn't clear their account when they changed their payment method. The gym refuses to take payment stating it has been turned over to a CA. The collection agency has tacked on roughly $200 worth of fees making the total reporting over $500. The lender says they have to pay the debt to move ahead with financing. I need help making this go away, the faster the better. Any suggestions other than paying the CA? There are 4 deals tied up in this client and we are feeling the pressure.
  7. Thank you for this information! I try to help with the simplest of questions, but never want to step on your toes. Also, I sincerely hope they leave the CFPB alone. I have two cases pending with them. Thanks for everything you do!!
  8. Told my friend, a gamer, about this card. She said, and I quote "until they come out with the x-box visa, I'll wait". Gamer's are so finicky about their game consoles, geeesh.
  9. OMG!!! I'm so jealous...makes my 1000 limit just look pitiful! Congrats!!
  10. Thanks for the heads up! I have good income, and will definitely be able to pay the Lowe's balance off prior to the 6 months no interest period. I'm not giving myself that long to pay this off or I will get complacent. I haven't been hit yet with any interest charges on any of these cards. I'm busting my butt to pay these balances off before the next statement cuts. Hopefully, by some miracle I can get it done. I hate the idea of paying interest!! Thanks though. Maybe this will help someone reading this thread.
  11. you do that every day. Yes, I am quite sure that CV is the most "regular" person I know.
  12. No, not at all - it's much nicer stuff The furniture and lamps are a bit iffy -, but Far, Far, better than goodwill but if you're looking for to replace an item in your older home , and want the style to blend in , it's the place. they have bathroom and kitchen tile new, never used - just overstocked. same with plumbing and electrical parts, light switches, never used. some of the cabinets are nice - and some are just nice enough to spruce up your garage with . or if your fixing up a rental property - it's good enough - no need to spend 60K on new Cabinets for that. door and window moldings, etc - some of it's brand new, just donated. This was a great idea. Asked my contractor this morning and he directed me to our local store. Took back a $115 door purchased from Lowes when I found one very simialar at the discount store for $30!! Yay Thanks for the advice!!! Will definitely be heading back in the future. When I can afford it!
  13. I have SDFCU, Statement on the 15th, Mine reports on the 20th. Don't have any information about the $20,000. Wish I was that lucky
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