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    San Diego, CA, and Mudland, USA


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    Hit Man <3 ♡

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  1. Merrill brokerage (and even IRA) balances count toward the Preferred tiers, so you can hold whatever securities you want. Doesn't have to be kept in cash.
  2. I decided not to deal with moving limits around. I put the first $8,600 purchase on my unused-in-2025 Customized Cash Rewards card (1 of 3) with Online Shopping as the 3 / 5.25% category, and placed the order online instead of at the store. The online shopping category is capped at $2,500 per quarter, then goes to 1.75%. So for this purchase I'll get: ($2500 * 5.25%) + ($4100 * 1.75%) = $203.00 back instead of $8600 * 2.625% = $225.75 I wasn't quite ready to make the remaining purchases, so later this week I'll put those on the Travel Rewards (2.625%) and still stay under the fairly modest limit.
  3. sus also suss and suss out deets and please stop saying sesh
  4. Thank you. The last time I talked with an analyst on their Preferred Credit team, I was told that $99.9k is a soft limit, and they'd go "significantly higher" with documented assets. Anything held with Merrill would be part of the equation by default, but proof of outside assets, if provided, would also be considered. I never went through with any of that because it was really unnecessary given all of my other cards and options. And this too shall pass. Right now I just want to buy some flooring , and 2.625% cash back is the best choice. I do still have a CLI link as well, however based on this disclaimer on the request page, I believe that they'll just grab some of the limit from one of my other cards in a way I might not choose. I think I'll call, because even though I'm fine shuffling things around, I'd like to specify how they do that if possible.
  5. Sorry for the cross-post, but is Bank of America still moving limits between cards with a simple phone call?
  6. Is $99,900 combined still a meaningful threshold with Bank of America? I have charges that I want to run through my Travel Rewards card in the next couple of days that exceed the card's limit ($15,500). A CLI would be the easiest way to handle this, but I'm at $99.9k combined on my three cards. Moving limits around has some unique constraints, if they even still do that with a simple phone call.
  7. From my perspective, unless you both spend a lot in general and travel a lot, I'd go with cash back. If you travel a lot you will earn points/miles from actual flying, hotels stays, etc., and you'll likely have points in multiple loyalty programs, which brings flexibility when you do redemptions. If you spend a lot in general, using travel-points cards helps the balances accrue more quickly... and there are some solid values out there for redemptions. But in the absence of those two things, you're likely to end up with small buckets of miles and points that won't work for most of the specific trips you want to make, so the points will just sit there while you're still paying cash for most of your travel. I still put the first $50,000 in annual spending on my Aviator Silver, because the spending itself plus the bonus thresholds help me renew my AA status, but that was devalued so thoroughly in 2024, I'm even re-thinking that.
  8. You should get an offer to PC that to something else. I just switched mine to a Savor (not that I have any more use for a Savor than a second QS). My W*****t card was originally the Synchrony offering, and I want to keep this TL open for age... although I'm beginning to wonder if it's finally time to clean house. Among other turds, I still have a Macy's Amex sitting here, along with a PenFed Worthless Rewards Visa.
  9. That mirrors my thoughts as well. But since I posted that my Nov score came out (817, 1 point shy of the max). This is with 10 cards reporting balances (13 others including some AUs are at $0), ranging from < 1% up to 11% utilization, which is pretty routine. For installments I have one mortgage reporting with a $500 balance which has been that way forever (my recast/installment hack), and a car lease with 7/24 months remaining. So no major milestones in the installments. But now that I've typed all that, I'm wondering if the $2 trick might get me that last elusive point.
  10. Do they serve venison? I'm trying to think of a deer pee joke.
  11. For general spending I'm still using Bank of America Travel Rewards. At the Platinum Honors tier, it pays 2.625% back on all purchases, no cap. No annual fee. No idea where the CSRs are located, but I'm married to a sketchy foreigner with a thick accent, and rarely have to call anyone for help with a credit card.
  12. I PCd to the Custom Cash, and I only use it for spending on one category per billing cycle, so it's 5% back on everything I put on the card. Usually this is groceries. When I'm using another card for groceries, it's easy to max out "Select travel" for the month with a single ~$500 plane ticket.
  13. 817 (+3) ... within 1 point of maxing this model, for the first time ever.
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