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  1. Thanks Hedge. I'll take a look. I'd like to get my better half on a card or two but also want to make sure it reports on her CR.
  2. What card(s) will report AU on their credit report, if any?
  3. Citi Diamond Preferred 3k > 4.5k auto cli. Only had card for 7 months
  4. Wouldn't use it to reap the benefits. Not gonna pay it off every month. It would carry a balance. Not sure what my signature shows but it probably outdated
  5. I officially canceled the card before I even got it. Hopefully they don't blacklist me from one in the future
  6. Thanks for the clarification and the education. Guess I'll let this one sit and find another card.
  7. Approved for Amex Gold. Not sure if they'll combine my current preferred card balance. Not even sure I'll activate it. Didn't think they would approve it but took the shot. 0% interest for first 12 months. May make a big purchase and call it a day. AF of $250 is a little steep.
  8. Listen to these guys Lates are hard to get off. Not saying it can't be done but in your case, it may be a challenge. If you came to CB you are using your best resources. There's nothing you cant do for yourself that an agency can't do for you. You just spend more with them.
  9. That was might thought. They may be canceling their side of the collection and just selling it off to a CA. How long ago did you get the letter? This could be residual from when they said they were getting rid of their personal credit lines.
  10. Sounds like it will show as on time. You'll have to get an updated report to verify.
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